Introduction to Sovereignty What does it mean to be in control of your own destiny?
Outcomes Turn to the outcomes for this unit and complete a, :~ review
Outcomes: Sovereignty How have struggles for sovereignty defined Canada and how do they continue to define Canada? S1 demonstrate an understanding that struggles for sovereignty affect countries and peoples globally S2 demonstrate an understanding of how desires for sovereignty create conflict and compromise S3 analyze the struggles of First Nations to re-establish sovereignty S4 identify and explain the historical and contemporary facts that promoted the emergence of Quebec nationalism S5 analyze the external factors that have impacted on the struggle for Canadian sovereignty
Sovereignty Now Read the article “Sovereignty Now” Define: Economic, Political and Social Sovereignty Create a chart in your notebook with each of the types of sovereignty as a header Find an example of each in the article.
Sovereignty Now EconomicPoliticalSocial
Sovereignty Analysis Choose one of the following articles” 1. "Dine Bikeya": Teaching about Navajo Citizenship and Sovereignty 2. Iraq, From Surge to Sovereignty 3. Darfur and the responsibilities of sovereignty
Sovereignty Analysis What is sovereignty? Why do people struggle for sovereignty? Does sovereignty seem to be strictly a Canadian or North American construction? How do you know this? In the article you read how do you see economics? Politics? Society?