Deductive and Inductive Reasoning
Deductive reasoning Deductive reasoning begins with a general premise (statement) and moves to a specific conclusion.
Example Premise 1:All men are mortal Premise 2:Socrates is a man ____________________________ Conclusion:Socrates is mortal
An argument is valid if the conclusion comes logically from the premise.
Example Premise 1:All men are women Premise 2:Mr. Z. is a man. _______________ Conclusion:Mr. Z. is a woman.
This argument is valid, but not true.
An argument is sound when it is both true and valid.
Example P 1:All Meadowdale High School students who complete their senior projects by April will graduate this spring. P 2:Bruno has complete his senior project. _______________________________ C:Bruno will graduate this spring.
Inductive reasoning begins with specific premises leading to a general conclusion. _______________________
P1:Franky ate at DQ and threw up. P2:Kristina ate at DQ and threw up. P3:Justin ate at DQ and threw up. __________________________ The food at DQ made Franky, Kristina and Justin throw up.
Or… P1:A man lies on the floor of his kitchen. P2:He is surrounded by a red puddle. P3:A knife lies nearby. P4:The front door is open. _______________________