By: Karrin Carlson
Motor Sensory Interneuron
Input from sensory organs to brain & spinal cord Output from the brain & spinal cord to muscles & glands Carry info. Between other neurons (only found in brain and spinal cord)
Functions Surplus Deficit DopamineInfluence: Movement, Learning, Attention, and Emotion Parkinson's Disease Depression SerotoninAffects: Mood Hunger, Sleep, and Arousal Sleepy Violence, Depression, and Anxiety Norepinephrin Helps control: Alertness and Arousal Happiness Depression GABAInhibitory NeurotransmitterRelaxation, loopyness Seizures, Insomnia, and Anxiety Glutamate Memory Injures brain cells Causing MS Acetylcholine(ACh)Muscle Contraction paralysis, Convulsions, or Death Memory impairment Alzheimer’s Endorphins Released in response to: Pain and Exercise “Runner’s High” Happiness Emotional, Crying,Chronic pain
Central nervous system(CNS) – Brain and Spinal cord Peripheral nervous system(PNS) – links CNS with body’s sense receptors, muscles and glands
Left: Language Right: Math &Music
Back of head, Optic nerve SIGHT Sides of head above ears, Auditory cortex HEARING –speech, facial, word recognition & memory formation Back top of head, hand-eye coordination, Front of head, working memory, motor cortex
Brainstem: where spinal cord swells as it enters skull Medulla: base of brain stem, heartbeat & breathing Reticular Formation: between ears spinal cord to thalamus, arousal Thalamus: top of brainstem, sensory switchboard- not smell Cerebellum: back of brain, voluntary movement & balance
Amygdala- almond shaped, aggression & fear Hypothalamus - bellow thalamus, eating drinking body temp. reward centers Pituitary gland – pea sized base of brain, controls endocrine system
Hormones – chemical messengers, produced in one tissue and effect another Adrenal Gland – above kidneys, release epinephrine & norepinephrine is stressful situations Pituitary gland – pea sized base of brain, controls endocrine system
CAT- X-ray scan, shows brain structure, cross-sectional views of all tissue PET- Cellular function of human body MRI- (magnetic resonance imaging) uses magnetic and radio waves no Radiation, Bones turn out dark all tissue showed, Brain and spinal cord