Advancing the Business/IT linkage with SOA Governance and Service Lifecycle Management Brigitte Anschuetz Director, WW SOA Client Engagements Main Point: SOA Governance and Service Lifecycle Management will be a key requirement for successful SOA Implementations and good business/IT alignment. This presentation continues the advancement IBM is making in improving customers ability to be successful with new services and enabling tools.
SOA Governance focuses on the end-to-end SOA environment SOA Governance is a key requirement for successful Business/IT alignment and SOA process success Business View Process View IT View Presentation Focus Main Point: SOA is about aligning Business and IT to achieve improved business flexibility and agility. Good SOA Governance will be a key requirement in achieving SOA successful deployment. IBM is continuing to evolve and enhance the value that we bring to companies by building on the SOA announcements we made last fall. We have a number of registry/repository products that assist customers in moving to SOA. SOA Governance focuses on the end-to-end SOA environment
What the Analysts Are Saying “Half of all companies and 77% of large enterprises reported that they are or will be using SOA by the end of 2005. Why? Evidence is mounting that SOA provides real benefits for business integration and flexibility.” Real-World SOA: SOA Platform Case Studies, Forrester Research, Inc., September 2005 CIOs continue to struggle to align business and IT in meaningful, measurable ways. More effective IT governance processes and tools are becoming top priorities among business-savvy CIOs. Five Ways the Rise of IT Governance Will Change How Enterprises Buy IT, Summit Strategies, December 2005 In 2006, lack of working governance mechanisms in midsize-to-large (greater than 50 services) post-pilot SOA projects will be the most common reason for project failure (0.8 probability). Management Update: Predicts 2006: The Strategic Impact of SOA Broadens, Gartner, Inc., Jess Thompson, Yefim V. Natis, Massimo Pezzini, Paolo Malinverno, November 23, 2005 With the widespread adoption of SOA, the challenges associated with SOA projects are emerging. SOA governance isn't optional — it's imperative. Without it, return on investment will be low and every SOA project out of pilot phase will be at risk. Service-Oriented Architecture Craves Governance, Gartner, Inc., Paolo Malinverno, January 20, 2006
The challenges with achieving the benefits of SOA are emerging The challenges with achieving the benefits of SOA are emerging. Governance isn’t optional it is an imperative. Without it, return on investment will be low and every SOA project will be at risk Governance The establishment of chains of responsibility to empower people, measurement to gauge effectiveness, policies to guide the organization to meet their goals, control mechanisms to ensure compliance, and communication to keep all required parties informed IT Governance The application of governance to an IT organization, its people, processes, and information to guide the way those assets support the needs of the business. SOA Governance A specialization of IT Governance that puts key IT Governance decisions within the context of the lifecycle of service components, services, and business processes. It is the effective management of this lifecycle that is the key goal of SOA Governance.
SOA Governance improves the opportunity to achieve business flexibility and agility with SOA Business Impact Involving business in the decision making and direction of IT through governance process and enabling tools Technical Impact Supporting SOA value proposition of service reuse with federated registry and repository strategy and products Personal Impact Driving Organization Change to improve business/IT communications, collaboration and alignment Main Point: SOA Governance and Service Lifecycle Management support the business/IT alignment and focus on not just technical aspects of SOA, but also the Organization and Change Management requirements
Governance is critical to overall SOA Success * NEW! * NEW! Cultural Changes Technical Changes Main point: Governance is critical to the success of your projects. There are two elements of governance to consider: the technical side whereby you have the infrastructure to encourage the re-use of deployed services, as well as the orgnizational aspect by which your organisation develops and fosters a culture of reuse. Techincal Changes Encourage Reuse Enhance Connectivity Help optimize service performance Enable Governance Technology working together: Service Development-Rational asset manager Service Management- Tivoli CCMDB Service Deployment-WSRR Cultural Changes Re-use top of mind Design for longevity Enforce policies Key Enabling Tools Enhanced WebSphere Registry & Repository New Rational Asset Manager Fostering a culture of reuse SOA Governance and Mgmt Method GBS SOA Services
Connectivity Entry Point: SOA Governance and Service Lifecycle Management continues to focus on supporting the SOA Entry Points People Entry Point: Interaction and Collaboration Process Entry Point: Process Automation Information Entry Point: Information as a service Reuse Entry Point: Creating and reusing proven, high-value assets Main Point: IBM has defined five distinct and inter-related SOA entry points to help our customers succeed with SOA. These entry points are driven by both business and IT needs. When a customer decides to go to SOA via one of these entry points, a key next step will be to think about how they want to implement SOA Governance, and along with SOA Governance the components of Service Lifecycle Management, including Quality Management. Connectivity Entry Point: Securely and flexibly interconnecting
LoB, Enterprise, Org & Cultural Change can be driven by addressing these questions with SOA Governance Who manages the Services Repository? Who uses it? How does the registry and repository get used? What controls are necessary? How do we govern and manage the Life Cycle of services? What metrics and key performance indicators will we use? How do we govern and manage our SOA Identification, development and deployment approach? What standards do we need to establish and when? What is our SOA Vision and Strategy? What processes do we need to identify, develop, deploy and manage services? What can I reuse from my existing IT Governance Model? How do we measure our model and the effectiveness of services? Important Points On This Slide: Change, which will happen with any effective SOA implementation needs to governed and managed so the level, speed and scope of the change doesn’t cripple the implementation and cause it to fail from it’s weight Te questions shown here are some excellent discussion points questions to consider when implementing a company’s SOA governance implementation at any phase, stage or implementation level. Speaker Notes: Here are some excellent questions to help define the scope of SOA governance and also help to spark some discussion on how the customer not only does some of these things today, but how they would like to do them in the future. The questions are associated with the appropriate phase of the governance lifecycle. We will walk through the significance of each of these questions: What is our SOA vision and Strategy? This is probably the most important question any company should be asking themselves before they go down the SOA path. The SOA Vision and Strategy defines the value drivers for why a company is adopting SOA in the first place and their reasoning for SOA. This is important because these drivers will mold and shape the initial iterations of a governance model. For example, if a company is more interested in the benefits of faster integration through SOA, they may want to establish a governance model that first tackles (governs) the processes across the service lifecycle that provide improved ability for shorter lead times on integration projects. What can I reuse from my existing IT Governance model? SOA governance is more a problem of organization than technology. Like any organizational problem that requires change, it is crucial to minimize disruption to mitigate the most risk that this change will actually be accepted by the organization. To accomplish this, it is crucial that you extend any established organizational mechanisms that an IT organization has used for governance whether this are IT Exec Steering Committees, Architectural Review Boards, Project Management Offices, etc. for service orientation. Many times these existing mechanisms are made up of the organizational thought leaders, so their buy-in is imperative to the success of SOA. Many IT governance can be extended for SOA governance. Does the company have a software development lifecycle methodology? What policies do they have when implementing IT? How do they fund and or prioritize IT projects? All of these questions need to be understood for IT governance so that SOA governance can be implemented in a way TO MINIMIZE DISRUPTION maximizing the probability for success. How do I ensure governance when consuming and producing services, composite services, and business processes? This goes back to our slide on service lifecycle management (slide 6). How are we going to implement all of the processes needed for lcm? How are we going to phase these processes so that the initial iterations of governance align with initial objectives for SOA. Also what do we have to do differently for each process given the role of service provider as opposed to service consumer? How do I define, enforce, evolve, and communicate required standards and best practices across the service lifecycle? This question is closely related to the last question. Now that we have identified what are all of the critical processes in the service lifecycle. It is not enough to just define these process despite the fact that many governance initiatives do stop at process definition and as a result ultimately fail. However, the successful governance initiative goes beyond definition and needs to consider not just definition of these processes but also how will they be enforced? How will they be communicated so that everyone knows the right thing to do? How will they evolve with the changing needs of the architecture? And most importantly how will these processes across the lifecycle be implemented so that it is easy for everyone to do the right thing. This goes back to that notion that effective governance should build schools and not prisons. How do I phase the implementation of SOA governance? This is another imperative question that needs to be answered so that we can mitigate the risk of trying to do too much at once and boiling the ocean. The adoption path for SOA governance is like SOA, it should be done incrementally. A key way to phase an SOA governance effort is to focus on only a subset of the processes around the service lifecycle (see slide 6) for the first iteration and phase in additional processes in subsequent iterations of your governance effort. So, by taking this approach, which processes would be most important to you to establish initially given your initial interest in SOA? That question can only be answered after you clearly define your SOA vision and Strategy and obtaining a common understanding of the value drivers or immediate goals for your company to adopt SOA. What runtime platforms help automate the implementation of governance? When we listed the elements of an SOA governance model on slide 7, platform was one of those key 6 elements. The answer to this question goes back to that notion of building schools not prisons when establishing your governance model. How are you going to make it easier for those who are being governed to do the right thing. Once obvious way is through a platform that automates many of the tasks around enforcement and communication. This automation can be done by setting up WebSphere Service Registry and Repository to help manage service metadata and associate policies with services. It can be done with monitoring solutions like Tivoli ITCAM for SOA, so that companies can be more reactive on service outages and more proactive on scaling. How do I measure the governance model and the effectiveness of services? and What metrics and KPI’s wil we use? If we go back to our original definition of governance, we will recall that there is a measurement component. All governance needs to have some measurement component to measure its effectiveness. So what are the KPI’s that you will need to define to measure that effectiveness. These KPI’s should reinfoce the initial goals / vision of the SOA and the SOA governance model. The diagram also shows the five layers of Chains of Responsibility, Measurement, Policies, Control Mechanisms, and Communication, which correspond with the 5 elements in our original definition of governance. The layering on this slide is shown because when answering these questions around scoping, we need to look at the answers for each of these questions through these 5 different lenses so that governance is ensured. For example, lets look at the question of What can I reuse from my existing IT Governance Model? We should look at each one of these layers to ensure that element is incorporated into the answer if applicable? So we would look at existing chains of responsibility in the IT Governance model. We would also look at measurement, policies, control mechanisms and communication of the existing IT governance model to understand how it is done. All elements (layers) of governance may not be applicable for each one of these scoping questions but it is important to understand which layers are and why. Change, which will happen with any effective SOA implementation, needs to be governed and managed so the level, speed and scope of the change doesn’t cripple the implementation and cause it to fail from it’s weight
SOA Governance Lifecycle drives business/IT alignment at the beginning of SOA deployment Scope the Governance Need Document and validate business strategy for SOA and IT Assess current IT and SOA capabilities Define/Refine SOA vision and strategy Review current Governance capabilities and arrangements Layout governance plan Design the Governance Approach Define/modify governance processes Design policies and enforcement mechanisms Identify success factors, metrics Identify owners and funding model Charter/refine SOA Center of Excellence Design governance IT infrastructure Put the Governance Model into Action Deploy governance mechanisms Deploy governance IT infrastructure Educate and deploy on expected behaviors and practices Deploy policies Manage & Monitor the Governance Processes Monitor compliance with policies Monitor compliance with governance arrangements Monitor IT effectiveness metrics Important Points On This Slide: SOA governance should be implemented within a lifecycle to take advantage of iterative improvement. Our lifecycle has four main phases: plan (assess the need for governance and gather inputs), define (define the governance model), enable (implement the governance model), and measure (use defined KPI’s to measure the governance model’s effectiveness) Speaker Notes: This slide shows the SOA Foundation and the various phases of the service lifecycle – model, assemble, deploy and manage. We are not going to go too deep into the service lifecycle, since you have seen this already. <NOTE – a pre-req for the customer being briefed on SOA governance is for them to be briefed on SOA where they will get their fill of the lifecycle.> The SOA foundation shows governance as the bottom layer and this layer supports all phases of the lifecycle. This is important point – an effective governance model will govern ALL phases of the service lifecycle and need to transcend all phases of the services lifecycle. Each phase will have a series of quality gates of checkpoints that the service needs to comply with before it graduates to the next phase of the lifecycle. IBM has also defined the lifecycle for SOA governance. Similar to the lifecycle of a service, the lifecycle for SOA governance has 4 main phases of plan, define, enable, and measure. Also, like the services lifecycle, the SOA governance lifecycle is iterative. We will now go into the phases and describe their significance. Plan – The plan phase is used to asses the need for governance. It is in this phase where you understand the organizational context that is crucial to defining a governance model that will be accepted by the enterprise. In this phase, you examine the following things: What is the current operational model? Does the enterprise have an IT governance model? What are the current IT governance mechanisms (ie Architectural Review Board)? How does the company make IT decisions? How do those decisions get disseminated across the org? What were some of the enterprise wide initiatives that the company has taken on and why did they succeed of fail? How effective is the current IT governance model? What needs to change? What are the current IT standards, best practices, policies, and principles? Define – In the define phase, you define the governance model. In this phase, you define all 5 elements of the governance model that we covered earlier (see slide 4). When defining the model, you will need to define such things as the organizational mechanisms, the decision rights, the metrics to measure the effectiveness of the governance model, what key processes are you going to govern (ie versioning process, testing process, etc.), business domains, owners to those domains, etc. You will decide if you want to establish a CoE in conjunction with your governance model. You will also define an education, mentoring, communication and transition plan to help map out the implementation of the governance model. Enable – In the enable phase, you implement the governance model as outlined in the transition plan. Everything that you just defined in the last phase will need to be enabled. The definition of a transition plan is crucial here since the transition plan should give you the plan of attack for implementing these various elements and phase this work in such a way that hedges the greatest amount of risk. Measure – Finally the measure phase answers the question of how effective is the governance model? Given the key metrics you defined in the define phase, the measure phase will aggregate data based on those metrics and understand if the governance initiative is effectively meeting its objectives.
SOA Governance Model Vitality SOA Vision Compliance Governed Processes Skills Infrastructure & Tools Principles, Policies, Standards & Procedures Implemented by Monitors & Metrics Governance Mechanisms Managed by Monitored by SOA Vision Communication Exception/Appeals Vitality Compliance Organizational Change Management Governed Processes Service Design Service Transition Service Strategy Service Operation SOA Strategy Service Modeling Service Testing Service Deployment Service Delivery Service Architecture Define Service Funding Security Management Service Assembly Service Domain Owners Event Management & Service Monitoring Service Support Supported by
SOA Governance and Management Method (SGMM) V2 aligns business and IT strategy for successful SOA Customer tested SOA Governance Method Leverages existing governance model Detailed governance process guidance Comprehensive framework and processes span lifecycle of SOA governance Methodology to help clients establish SOA Centers of Excellence Plan Define Enable Measure Determine the Governance Focus Define the SOA Governance Model Implement the SOA Governance Model Refine the SOA Governance Model Tailor method for goals / environment Define and refine governance processes Implement the transition plan Measure effectiveness governance processes Define scope of governance Define organizational change Initiate SOA Org Changes Measure effectiveness of organization change Understand current Governance model Define IT changes in SOA development Launch the SOA Center of Excellence IBM has also defined the lifecycle for SOA governance. Similar to the lifecycle of a service, the lifecycle for SOA governance has 4 main phases of plan, define, enable, and measure. Also, like the services lifecycle, the SOA governance lifecycle is iterative. We will now go into the phases and describe their significance. Plan – The plan phase is used to asses the need for governance. It is in this phase where you understand the organizational context that is crucial to defining a governance model that will be accepted by the enterprise. In this phase, you examine the following things: What is the current operational model? Does the enterprise have an IT governance model? What are the current IT governance mechanisms (ie Architectural Review Board)? How does the company make IT decisions? How do those decisions get disseminated across the org? What were some of the enterprise wide initiatives that the company has taken on and why did they succeed of fail? How effective is the current IT governance model? What needs to change? What are the current IT standards, best practices, policies, and principles? Define – In the define phase, you define the governance model. In this phase, you define all 5 elements of the governance model that we covered earlier (see slide 4). When defining the model, you will need to define such things as the organizational mechanisms, the decision rights, the metrics to measure the effectiveness of the governance model, what key processes are you going to govern (ie versioning process, testing process, etc.), business domains, owners to those domains, etc. You will decide if you want to establish a CoE in conjunction with your governance model. You will also define an education, mentoring, communication and transition plan to help map out the implementation of the governance model. Enable – In the enable phase, you implement the governance model as outlined in the transition plan. Everything that you just defined in the last phase will need to be enabled. The definition of a transition plan is crucial here since the transition plan should give you the plan of attack for implementing these various elements and phase this work in such a way that hedges the greatest amount of risk. Measure – Finally the measure phase answers the question of how effective is the governance model? Given the key metrics you defined in the define phase, the measure phase will aggregate data based on those metrics and understand if the governance initiative is effectively meeting its objectives. Review and refine operational environment Identify ‘Reuse’ elements Define Metrics and Measures for success Implement infrastructure for SOA Continuous SOA Governance Process Measurement & Improvement
Alignment with Enterprise Architecture best practices for governance SOA Governance and Management Method (SGMMv2) Detail necessary to implement successfully End 2 End Fully documented SOA Governance method for processes to be governed which includes: Detailed process descriptions Process and swim lane diagrams with policy enforcement and governance check points Alignment with Enterprise Architecture best practices for governance SOA Governance engagement support for: Processes to be governed including: Infrastructure, configuration and management activities Alignment of SGMM with PRMIT, ITIL, CoBiT, SOA Foundations Details for setting up a SOA Center of Excellence (COE) How to plan, build and implement the SOA CoE Mission and Role, Responsibilities - Communication, Mentoring, Education Plans Enabling tools available to support the method: Planning, Modeling and Design - Rational Method Composer (RMC), Rational Asset Manager (RAM) Implementation, Monitoring, Collaboration, Enforcement, Management - WebSphere Service Registry and Repository (WSRR), Security Policy Mgmt (Sparkle), ITCAM 4 SOA, 3rd Party Vendors Main Point: New functions in SGMM
SOA Governance Patterns for SGMM SGMM v2 introduces the concept of SOA Governance Patterns. SOA Governance Implementation Pattern Organizational Change and Change Management SOA Governance Pattern SOA CoE Pattern SOA Integration Governance Pattern BPM SOA Governance Pattern SOA Security Governance Pattern SOA Annuity Governance Pattern SOA Governance Patterns are based on the specific needs of the customer. It allows for a flexible, customized, component based SOA Governance Model that will mature and change with the customers needs.
Change Management Goals: SGMM V2 vision of success includes the Organizational Change and Change Management Change Management Goals: “Help ensure that people impacted by the changes…. The Change Management Pattern will: Mitigate risks with appropriate oversight & control Increase reuse & buy-in promoting the use of Services Speed Adoption of the Governance model enabling a successful implementation Facilitate the achievement of program benefits Understand Accept Are Prepared for, and Are Committed to the changes that will affect them.” A key to successful SOA and SOA Governance implementations is a focus on organizational change and change management. Moving to SOA creates a significantly new environment for both Business and IT, and there will need to be a focus on the impacts of this new environment. Going with the overall SOA Governance plan there will need to be a group supporting an overall organization change plan. In IBM, that group is called the Center of Excellence. Current State Target State Transition State
Center of Excellence (CoE) Role and Mission Makes SOA success Someone's Responsibility Provide Project Support Provide direct project assistance to drive architecture and gain feedback on vitality & viability and harvest assets Socialize Architecture Communicate framework, best practices, assets, patterns, templates, recipes, methods and other blueprints Provides Skills Transfer & Early Proof of Concepts Identify skills gaps and create development roadmaps Drive use of new technologies Center of Excellence Promotes Asset Adoption Manage service, service component, pattern, data re-use processes to reduce project risk and accelerate delivery Provide Architecture Vitality & Thought Leadership Continuously assess, refine and architecture framework and supporting assets based on internal & external influences Conduct Architecture Reviews Perform independent design and architecture reviews for key applications Provides Best Practice Policy & Procedures Provide expert resources to accelerate delivery of critical architecture practices Production Support Enable infrastructure teams to execute on build/deploy, tuning, and metrics reporting
Assist and support your decision to implement SOA and SOA governance Center of Excellence (CoE) speeds SOA success SGMM V2 supplies expertise to help get started Assist and support your decision to implement SOA and SOA governance Knowledge: A CoE serves to supply the expertise to the organization for SOA implementation and execution Delivery: Enables successful delivery of your business strategy with establishment of technical resources. Center of Excellence Capabilities: SOA Architecture Workshop SOA Architecture Design and Customization SOA Architecture Review Software environment installation and configuration Education and Skills Transfer IBM recommends creating a Center of Excellence. A SOA Center for Excellence (CoE) combines the expertise and assets from across IBM. It helps clients who have made an enterprise-wide commitment to architectural change speed the adoption of that change, mitigate risk, and align the transformation with industry best practices. The SOA CoE accomplishes these goals by leveraging assets and best-practices developed from experience across IBM with similar enterprise transformations. In essence, the CoE is designed to supply a set of services to assist in implementing an SOA Center of Excellence to support the SOA Governance customization and implementation for a customer. The capabilities that a CoE can supply is: Assist in customizing the SOA Governance and Management Method for the unique client environment. Conduct SOA Architecture workshops and review a clients current Service Oriented Architecture IBM can also supply you with training and mentoring Customization: Assist in customization of SOA Governance Method to meet unique requirements SOA on your terms and our expertise
IBM offers 6 key service offerings to assist in SOA implementations IBM offers 6 key service offerings to assist in SOA implementations. All supported by SOA Governance SOA Strategy Helps a C-level exec layout a complete SOA Strategy, Architecture and Roadmap to transformation organization and systems towards a service oriented model. SOA Diagnostic For clients that have already started their SOA transformation but want IBM to evaluation how they are doing and make improvement recommendations. Business Process Management Enabled by SOA It is a discipline that enables effective management of core business processes across an organization. SOA Governance SOA Implementation Planning Helps a Line of Business or Application Group define future business process, the high impact services and the corresponding solution architecture SOA Design, Development, and Integration Services The core implementation of an SOA solution. It is designed to be a follow-on from an early BPM or SOA planning phase. SOA Management Helps an organization ensure that the required processes, controls, responsibilities and activities are deployed to successfully manage SOA solutions
The SOA Offerings are enabled by these Key SOA Assets Each Asset provides value and a solution for specific SOA needs. Collectively, the Assets provide End 2 End Value to create your SOA CBM SIMM The major areas of focus are: Component Business Modeling (CBM) Service Integration Maturity Model (SIMM) SOA Governance and Management (SGMM) WS Business Service Fabric (WBSF) Service Oriented Modeling and Architecture (SOMA) Enterprise Architecture (EA) Application Portfolio Management (APM) SOA Reference Architecture Legacy Transformation (SGMM) SOA Governance WS Business Service Fabric SOMA Enterprise Architecture Legacy Transformation SOA Reference Architecture Transformations Artefacts Views Inventory
Getting started with SOA Governance is faster and easier with SGMM V2, a COE and Services Improve Organization Change capability Use Proven Best Practices Approach Develop customized processes faster SOA requires not just technical, but organizational education supplied with SGMM V2 documentation Detailed usage and process maps allow for faster development of SOA Governance environment Creation of a COE and use of GBS expertise allows fast start based on initially supplied expertise Main Point: IBM continues to enhance SOA Governance focused capability. SOA Governance will be key to getting started and being successful with SOA. Create environment for SOA success with expertise and customized approach Accelerate acceptance of new SOA paradigm Minimize time and effort to get started
Tools that support the SOA Governance and Management Method (SGMMv2) help get an SOA started faster Design the Governance Approach Rational Method Composer Rational Portfolio Manager Scope the Governance Need Rational Method Composer Rational RequisitePro Rational Portfolio Manager Put the Governance Model into Action Websphere Service Registry and Repository Rational Asset Manager IBM’s DataPower Manage & Monitor the Governance Processes IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager for SOA (ITCAM) Tivoli Configuration and Change Management Database (CMDB) Important Points On This Slide: SOA governance should be implemented within a lifecycle to take advantage of iterative improvement. Our lifecycle has four main phases: plan (assess the need for governance and gather inputs), define (define the governance model), enable (implement the governance model), and measure (use defined KPI’s to measure the governance model’s effectiveness) Speaker Notes: This slide shows the SOA Foundation and the various phases of the service lifecycle – model, assemble, deploy and manage. We are not going to go too deep into the service lifecycle, since you have seen this already. <NOTE – a pre-req for the customer being briefed on SOA governance is for them to be briefed on SOA where they will get their fill of the lifecycle.> The SOA foundation shows governance as the bottom layer and this layer supports all phases of the lifecycle. This is important point – an effective governance model will govern ALL phases of the service lifecycle and need to transcend all phases of the services lifecycle. Each phase will have a series of quality gates of checkpoints that the service needs to comply with before it graduates to the next phase of the lifecycle. IBM has also defined the lifecycle for SOA governance. Similar to the lifecycle of a service, the lifecycle for SOA governance has 4 main phases of plan, define, enable, and measure. Also, like the services lifecycle, the SOA governance lifecycle is iterative. We will now go into the phases and describe their significance. Plan – The plan phase is used to asses the need for governance. It is in this phase where you understand the organizational context that is crucial to defining a governance model that will be accepted by the enterprise. In this phase, you examine the following things: What is the current operational model? Does the enterprise have an IT governance model? What are the current IT governance mechanisms (ie Architectural Review Board)? How does the company make IT decisions? How do those decisions get disseminated across the org? What were some of the enterprise wide initiatives that the company has taken on and why did they succeed of fail? How effective is the current IT governance model? What needs to change? What are the current IT standards, best practices, policies, and principles? Define – In the define phase, you define the governance model. In this phase, you define all 5 elements of the governance model that we covered earlier (see slide 4). When defining the model, you will need to define such things as the organizational mechanisms, the decision rights, the metrics to measure the effectiveness of the governance model, what key processes are you going to govern (ie versioning process, testing process, etc.), business domains, owners to those domains, etc. You will decide if you want to establish a CoE in conjunction with your governance model. You will also define an education, mentoring, communication and transition plan to help map out the implementation of the governance model. Enable – In the enable phase, you implement the governance model as outlined in the transition plan. Everything that you just defined in the last phase will need to be enabled. The definition of a transition plan is crucial here since the transition plan should give you the plan of attack for implementing these various elements and phase this work in such a way that hedges the greatest amount of risk. Measure – Finally the measure phase answers the question of how effective is the governance model? Given the key metrics you defined in the define phase, the measure phase will aggregate data based on those metrics and understand if the governance initiative is effectively meeting its objectives.
Each phase of the SOA Lifecycle has different challenges requiring different governance capability Service Deployment Service Development Optimizing service interactions to business process Need to control and eliminate and “rogue services” Service compliance important but difficult Poor communication and collaboration within teams Testing service interactions complex Creating the same service multiple times Main Point. At each phase of the SOA Lifecycle there are different challenges that require different governance capabilities. IBM has different approaches and enabling tools at each phase. Service Management Developing a governance approach requires corporate commitment Enforcement of policies needed on-the-fly Dynamic service reporting complex
Governance is supported by a federated set of capabilities to meet the challenges Service Development Service Deployment Service Discovery Service Development Lifecycle Runtime Repository Runtime Discovery Service Registry & Repository Service Asset Manager Other Service Endpoint Registries / Repositories Info based Services UDDI Registries Development Registries Asset Development Management Other External Reg / Rep Version Control Main Point: IBM’s Registry/Repository Strategy incorporates the concept of federation, since it is not possible to have a single repository that will be able to handle all the functionality needed across Service Lifecycle Management. Change and Configuration Management Service Management Operational Efficiency & Resilience Configuration Data Discovery Managing change
Software development assets are used to create SOA Services within the phases of the SOA Lifecycle Define Search/ Retrieve Create/ Modify Govern Measure Rational Asset Manager Encourage Reuse Flexible search Reuse WSRR deployed services Search/ Retrieve Create/ Modify Simplify development & collaboration Change and version assets and artifacts via ClearCase and ClearQuest integrations Discussions, Email and RSS Enhance Traceability Enables linkages between deployed service and related assets Ensure reusable services Asset types and relationships Categorization Attributes Govern Define Rational Asset Manager and the WebSphere Service Registry and Repository work together to support and govern the entire SOA lifecycle. IBM’s strategy is to have 2 repositories. RAM is a development-time repository that stores and catalogs services and other assets that can be reused or deployed within multiple applications, while WSRR is a runtime catalog of deployed services. The two repositories work together to support the following important scenarios: Search / Consume – A developer, architect or analyst can go to a single web or Eclipse based IDE interface and search for both development-time assets and deployed services. The seamless integration between RAM and WSRR remove the need for the user to search 2 repositories. Consuming the asset in context is also seamless and as easy as clicking a button. Review / Govern- Both RAM and WSRR support the enforcement and customization of review processes to govern that state of assets or services. Separate processes can be set up for development time vs. runtime governance and there is flexibility in customizing these processes. Administration- Although the 2 repositories will likely be set up and administered by separate organizations, administration and maintenance of the two repositories is similar. The two repositories share important metadata like taxonomies and access control lists to make administration easy. Impact Analysis- Analysts and architects can easily see the impact of modifying services by drilling into the links and statistics that the 2 repositories store. Measurement – Managers and team leads can generate repository audits, evaluate repository usage, and be notified of changes to repository assets. Publishing – When services are deployed, linkages between the development information in RAM and the deployment information in WSRR are made and maintained, allowing deeper integration between the 2 repositories Reusable Asset Repository (Unannounced: Rational Asset Manager) is used to Manage promotion of service through development Publish service artefacts as reusable assets Find reusable assets that can be used to build new composite applications Manage asset life cycle and understand impact analysis Service Registry/Repostory (WebSphere Service Registry and Repository) is used to Find deployed service endpoints that could be useful in context of new composite application Perform analysis of impact a change in service definitions might have on deployed services Manage promotion of services from test to acceptance to production Provide system of record for deployed services for use by SOA runtimes and service management technologies Manage and provide detailed information about relationships between services Manage the service metadata to support SOA runtimes CMDB (Tivoli CCMDB) is used to Provide central access to service configuration and operational information gained through sensors and monitoring Provide metadata for topology building Drive process managers, such as for change and release management Enable Service Asset Governance Asset review boards Workflow, customizable via ClearQuest Access controls based on groups, roles, users, asset types Measure Quantify Asset Reuse Metrics and reporting
WebSphere Service Registry and Repository (WSRR) is a key enabling tool to manage and control services WebSphere Service Registry and Repository Publish Find Enrich Govern Manage Publish Find Enrich Encourage Reuse Find and reuse services for building blocks for new composite applications. Enhance Connectivity Enable dynamic and efficient interactions between services at runtime. Main point: Introducing the WebSphere Service Registry and Repository The WebSphere Service Registry and Repository is a integrated service metadata repository that helps you govern and manages services through the service lifecycle. It enables you to store, access, and manage information about the services (commonly referred to as service metadata) in your SOA. This information is used to select, invoke, govern, and reuse services as part of a successful and dynamic SOA. By promoting visibility, consistency, and reducing redundancy in SOA and by managing the service lifecycle, WebSphere Service Registry and Repository helps you get the most business value from SOA. Definition (FYI) Service metadata is anything used to talk about services - such as descriptions, owner etc. Artifacts are files such as XML docs or XSDs or WSDL docs. Metadata is a generic concept, ie information about an artifact: a service, a wsdl, an xml schema, a policy etc. WebSphere Service Registry and Repository includes: • A service registry that contains information about services, such as the service interfaces, its operations, and parameters • A metadata repository that has the robust framework and extensibility to suit the diverse nature of service usage Key Features 1) The Publish and Find Capabilities helps improve visibility, reduce redundancy, and encourage reuse The WSRR allows you to publish and find services and related metadata through all stages of the SOA lifecycle It also integrates with other registries to allow publish and find with other standards registries 2) The WSRR enriches SOA runtime interactions to add dynamism to SOA The WSRR enables dynamic and efficient service interactions at runtime by… Optimizing access to service metadata Managing service policies This capability is supported by CICS and key WebSphere products such as the ESB 3) The WSRR also enables SOA governance to help maximize the business value of SOA Managing service lifecycle states with guards for state transitions Enables impact analysis to determine the impact of service introduction, deletion or alteration Also provides for roles based access and versioning Govern Manage Enable Governance Govern services throughout the service lifecycle Help optimize service performance Enable enforcement of policies. Versioning. Impact analysis
WSRR and RAM have support for current products in an SOA environment Development-time Deployed / Run-time Define Search/ Retrieve Create/ Modify Govern Measure Rational Asset Manager Publish Find Enrich Govern Manage WebSphere Service Registry and Repository Federated Search & Publish WebSphere ESB, Message Broker, Process Server ClearQuest ClearCase Software Architect CICS Generic Client (.Net or other) Datapower Business Services Fabric, ITCAM for SOA Asset based development change, notification and review process Service traceability to versioned assets and referenced artifacts Ensures services are developed consistently & in compliance with architecture Any CICS Web services provider program publish & read capability Web services client can publish and search Optimized service metadata access on WSRR Lookup for dynamic endpoint selection and binding Mediations based on WSRR Lookup for dynamic endpoint selection and binding Not every deployed service is a reusable asset and not every reusable asset is a deployed service Managing development of assets vs. operational metadata for services. Each provides a unique set of functionality. For example IBM Rational has systems development customers like Bosch who are not implementing services but are reusing other software components and want to take advantage of the unique capabilities offered by Rational Asset Manager. There are some customers who aren’t reusing components but are reusing services and want to take advantages of the unique runtime service mediation capabilities in WSRR. Confusion sometimes arises around when to use these two products together when service is the type of component that a customer wants to reuse. The reason is because there is a small set of similar functionality around search, categorization, access control, metadata and workflow Although there is some overlapping functionality it applies to different use cases and content for each product. I’ll describe when these products have to interact later which should help understand the differences in their function. Other WSRR Key Functions Notify clients of changes Information about metadata service interaction endpoints Discover services and metadata from other registries Publish newly developed services and artifacts Asset Notifications can optionally occur when: An asset is submitted / updated Review state of an asset is changed Search subscriptions are also supported Notified periodically of search results Not every deployed service is a reusable asset and not every reusable asset is a deployed service A service will be one of many types of assets managed by Rational Asset Manager
Improve business flexibility and service reuse within SOA development and deployment by adding RAM Define Search/ Retrieve Create/ Modify Govern Measure Rational Asset Manager Improve quality while reducing development cost and time Promote cross project communication of reusable assets Manage compliance and govern multi-platform development assets to Managing and facilitate software reuse of assets, including Services Drive improvements in end-to-end service quality Enforce and monitor integrity Definable and auditable processes Incorporated in overall SOA Governance Promote reusable asset sharing implement a cross org workflow Faster delivery of assets Reduce software development and operational costs by facilitating the reuse of all types of software development related assets, including service assets used in Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) development. Improve quality by facilitating the reuse of approved & proven assets. (Re)using requirements, design, construction, test, and deployment assets allows customers to leverage software investments in packaged, existing, and new applications. Integrated with other Rational and SWG tools, such as IBM Rational ClearCase, IBM Rational ClearQuest and IBM Rational’s Architecture Management Solutions, including IBM Rational Application Developer and IBM Rational Software Architect. In addition, IBM Rational Asset Manager, a development-time asset repository, is closely integrated with IBM WebSphere Service Registry and Repository for management of runtime SOA assets. Unify disparate development teams Enable reuse and eliminate rework Enforce and govern architectural standards Control access and utilization of assets. Accelerate delivery Increase quality Improve reliability
Service management and control will require the function in a registry/repository supplied by WSRR Publish Find Enrich Govern Manage WebSphere Service Registry and Repository Promotes reuse and eliminate redundancies Enriches SOA runtime interaction Enables better control of SOA with governance Publish and find services and related metadata through all stages of SOA Integration and federation with other standard registries and repositories Enable optimized access to service metadata Manage service interactions and policies Facilitates SOA focused service lifecycle management Analyze impacts of service introduction, retirement or alteration by maintaining relationships Reduce software development and operational costs by facilitating the reuse of all types of software development related assets, including service assets used in Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) development. Improve quality by facilitating the reuse of approved & proven assets. (Re)using requirements, design, construction, test, and deployment assets allows customers to leverage software investments in packaged, existing, and new applications. Integrated with other Rational and SWG tools, such as IBM Rational ClearCase, IBM Rational ClearQuest and IBM Rational’s Architecture Management Solutions, including IBM Rational Application Developer and IBM Rational Software Architect. In addition, IBM Rational Asset Manager, a development-time asset repository, is closely integrated with IBM WebSphere Service Registry and Repository for management of runtime SOA assets. Reduce huge maintenance costs by enabling a flexible infrastructure Eliminate lack of ownership and misalignment of activities with business initiatives Address the IT pain point of poor reuse and duplication
Service Lifecycle Management tools enhance each team members ability to be successful Model business goals Identify key business goals Business Executive Websphere Business Modeler Websphere Integration Developer Establish quality management process Align key business goals Track Service Development IT Executive Rational Method Composer Rational RequisitePro Rational Portfolio Manager Create/Govern New Services Discover services for reuse / publish service Manage and build run time assets Developer RBDe Rational Software Architect WSRR Rational Asset Manager Rational ClearCase and Build Forge Test Changes Tester Rational Tester for SOA Quality Rational Performance Tester Extension for SOA Quality Main Point: With the focus in SOA on Business/IT relationship, there are key roles in both the business group and the IT organization supplying the support for the business in every phase of the SOA Lifecycle. This is not just about testing. It is an iterative and continuous process that will be have to deal with services that may be a multiple levels of the lifecycle. In the model phase of the SOA Lifecycle, the business team, in the form of business executive, with business analyst or managers, develop the goals and objectives for the new or updated service. At the same time the IT Executive is working to establish the overall, end-to-end quality Management process, using the SOA Governance and Management method plug-in and the Tivoli Unified Process from Rational Method Composer. Once the functional and performance requirements are established in the Model phase they can go to Development to create using a number of Rational development tools. Going to Deploy, Rational has two new test tools to support SOA Quality Management. In production, during the Manage phase, the service is tracked and reported on with ITCAM This then becomes and iterative, continuous process for creating and updating services. Ensure signoff and create audit trail for change Track service information Deployment Manager Rational ClearQuest Tivoli ITCAM DataPower Iterative & continuous PROCESS
Governance should not an "afterthought"; it is imperative for success and business value delivery Lack of working governance mechanisms in midsize-to-large (greater than 50 services) post-pilot projects will be the most common reason for project failure (0.8 probability). (Gartner) Focus on business benefits Add flexibility to business process Improve time to market Mitigate risk and regain control Maintain quality of service Ensure consistency of service Governance isn't optional- it's imperative. Without it, ROI will be low and every project out of pilot phase will be at risk. (Gartner) Main point: SOA Governance is not an "afterthought"; it matters because the success of your SOA projects depend on adhering to proven methods and best practices. SOA Governance is needed in this more complex SOA environment. Services are involved in both Business and IT across all the Lines of Business horizontally across the organization. With SOA Governance, it allows the business to obtain the expected benefits from service reuse across the LOBs. Governance is about risk management and maximizing control of the processes. In addition, with structured decision making it allows the teams to make decisions quicker and more effectively. A major part of governance is risk mitigation. With a good governance approach there is less risk and improved quality. With good governance, everyone understands their role and responsibility in the overall process. This allows the right people to make the right decisions at the right time. This allows for improved control and consistency. When everyone understands how the process works between all the involved business and IT organizations, it allows for much better teamwork. There is less arguing about who makes what decisions. Improve team effectiveness Measure the right things Communicate clearly between business and IT Professional investors are willing to pay premiums of 18-26% for stock in firms with high governance. (McKinsey Quarterly)
IBM’s SOA Governance and Management Method (SGMM) V1 IBM’s SOA Governance and Management Method (SGMM) V1.0 process steps can be downloaded from IBM developerWorks “How To” Guide for SOA Governance Implementation
More Information Learn more about SOA Governance Download whitepapers View WebCast "Addressing real-world planning for SOA governance" Integration Developers News – Avoid SOA Mistakes Lack of SOA Governance is an Endorsement for Failure Download Rational Method Composer SOA Governance Plug In