OSG Deployment Preparations Status Dane Skow OSG Council Meeting May 3, 2005 Madison, WI.


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Presentation transcript:

OSG Deployment Preparations Status Dane Skow OSG Council Meeting May 3, 2005 Madison, WI

OSG Initial Release Goals Documented in OSG Doc 28 Reproduce Grid3 baseline in ongoing heterogenous grid Add Attribute-based Authorization capabilities Add Storage Services Establish sustainable growth model

Operations Infrastructure Core “Grid3” services –GridCat/MonALISA servers being installed –Webpages still rudimentary –Mailing lists not fully operational –Metrics undecided New services –Robustness under multiple versions unknown/manual –VOMS complications being worked out –Multiple monitoring options not resolved

OSG Software Package Release Candidate from ITB received through VDT First production cache created. Needs installation and configuration instructions Needs purge of obsolete Grid3 legacy references Needs ties to OSG release requirements No clear manpower pool to maintain above Versioning process unclear and rudimentary

Compute Element ITB functioning at Grid3 level –Not clear we’ve explored GRAM at load Authentication and authorization remain complex to configure properly Definition of Execution environment too loose (eg. are Globus client tools to be in PATH ?) Connection to local storage and SRM interfaces unclear –Stick with Grid3 Environment variable conventions for this Release

Storage Element Dropped from this software release Few service instances expected mid summer

VOMS Established VOMS manager contacts with most VOs Interoperability with LCG deployment tenuous Management of Roles and Groups poorly documented and not widely understood.

Operations Model Operations Model needs to be finalized and accepted. –Method to do this unclear Distributed Model still needs to be developed and tested Current system mostly manual. –Not clear how the system will be automated and made more dynamic. Responsibility for documentation unclear

OSG Governance Bootstrap versions of required bodies/processes in place. Have not been tested by operations. Not clear how seen by “outsiders” Not clear how well will handle growth

Deployment Plans (Already seeing large growth of ITB) May –SDSS, CMS earlybird, STAR June –CMS, ATLAS, GLOW, GriPhyN, GADU July Unscheduled –LIGO, DZero, fMRI, GRASE, CDF