9.1 Sequences and Series
Definition of Sequence An ordered list of numbers An infinite sequence is a function whose domain is the set of positive integers The function values a 1, a 2, a 3,…,a n,… are the terms of the sequence A finite sequence has a domain of the first n positive integers only; a 1, a 2, …, a n
Recursively defined sequences Sequences where one or more of the first terms is given Write the first five terms; a 1 =25 a k+1 = a k – 5 a 1 =25 a k+1 = a k – 5
Factorial Notation If n is a positive integer then n!=1∙2∙3∙4∙∙∙(n-1)∙n 0!=1 by definition 6!= 1∙2∙3∙4∙5∙6=720 2n!≠(2n)! On the calculator MATH PRB 4:!
Summation Notation The sum of the first n terms of a sequence is represented by where i is the index of summation, n is the upper limit and 1 is the lower limit (lower limit does not have to be 1 and any letter can be used for the index of summation)
Using the calculator To sum the first n terms of a sequence; use the LIST menu 2 nd STAT MATH 5:sum( 2 nd STAT MATH 5:sum( 2nd STAT OPS 5:seq( 2nd STAT OPS 5:seq( sum(seq(1/n!, n, 0, 8)) sum(seq(1/n!, n, 0, 8)) function variable Lower limit Upper limit
Properties of Sums
Definition of a Series The sum of all terms of the infinite sequence is called the infinite series The sum of the first n terms of the sequence is called a finite series or the nth partial sum of the sequence
Example: Write the first 5 terms a 1 = 15 a k+1 = a k +3
Example: Find the sum
Assignment: PAGE 625 #3-90 multiples of 3