Pyramid Response to Intervention Create a systematic process that ensures every child receives the timely support needed to learn at high levels Align site interventions to responsive, highly effective, research based practices PLC practices create the foundation needed to successfully implement RtI Balanced assessment practices to determine assistance required for failed learners and intentional non-learners Essential elements of Response to Intervention
Overview of 2 day workshop: Use of universal, diagnostic assessments and monitoring student progress Foundation for collaboration- PLC model, focus on learning and results Decision protocols for determining required interventions Using interventions that are researched based, timely and effective Continual assessment cycle to determine- What do you do if they ‘don’t get it’? What do you do if they get it? RtI-Systematic response to instruction with interventions in place that are available as soon as a student demonstrates a need for support
Continuum of Support for ALL few some all Universal Targeted Intensive
Pyramid RtI A pyramid response to intervention model is based on the premise that it is not a regular ed issue nor a special ed issue but just an ‘ed’ issue Inclusionary practice which places decisions for responding to student learning in the hands of those responsible for educating the students