In your Binder: “Environmental Systems” Title: Ecology Pyramid Notes Start on Page 197 You must write out the notes, not just the answers!!!!!!!!
Subtitle: Energy Pyramid The % of energy transferred from one trophic level to the next is __________. Energy not used by the organism is given off as ____________. The % of energy (increases/decreases?) as it moves up trophic levels. Draw and Label the Energy Pyramid below:
Subtitle: Pyramid of Numbers The number of organisms (decrease/increase?) as the trophic levels increase. Does this pyramid follow the 10% rule? Explain why or why not. Explain how population changes can occur. Draw and Label the Pyramid of Numbers below Blue Jay 300 Caterpillars 10,000 Leaves 100,000 1
Subtitle: Biomass Pyramid Biomass is………….. Carrying Capacity is…… Explain what happens as populations change Biomass (increases/decreases?) as the trophic levels increase? Draw and Label the Biomass Pyramid.
Subtitle: Biological Magnification This pyramid represents the………….. Toxins (increase/decrease?) as the trophic levels increase? (analyze the pic on pg. 201) What are the possible outcomes for organisms exposed to these toxins or pollutants? Draw and Label the Pyramid on page 201.
Pg. 203 Follow the directions for the activity at the top of the page. Start by copying the data table. The formula to calculate % Biomass Composition is on pg. 199 You can use the calculators on your phone to do the math.