Building Better Neighbourhoods Salford Strategic Partnership Meeting Sue Lightup: Salford City Council Executive Director, Community, Health and Social Care EVERY ONE CAN!
Introduction: Two questions, One answer Neighbourhoods: SSP request – March 2008 Future Search – July 2008 Summit held December 2008 “Strategic Direction of Neighbourhoods Review” “Building Better Neighbourhoods” Programme SSP review of governance, commissioning etc Aligned today
Understanding our task Our shared business drivers – “the non-negotiables” Improve outcomes/narrow the gap Efficiency: achieve more for less Partnership targets - LAA Partnership inspections - CAA Deliver service business plans Legislation eg Duty To Involve “No change” is not an option
Understanding our task Improve our whole system to be: Informed by our successes as a national leader Clear and understandable Effective – delivery focused Efficient – no gaps or overlaps Well aligned: vision, plans and structures Well aligned: roles and responsibilities Well aligned: talents and resources - all sectors, all levels Well aligned: core work and emerging agendas “People and culture” as well as “structures and processes” Affordable!
Understanding our task ‘In my view it’s all about…..’ Community Committees! Neighbourhood Managers! Resources! Governance! Community Action Plans! Co-location Services! Engagement & Empowerment! Delivery! Management Structures! The Council! My Directorate! Pledge1, Pledge2….Pledge 7! This area! Those targets! LAA! CAA! Cohesion & Equalities! Democracy! Neighbourhoo d Level! Smaller than neighbourhood level! The big picture! Area Co- ordinators! All Partners! Or all of the above?
Understanding the task “THE DELIVERY WHEEL” “We need to be all driving in the same direction… to the same place” That’s got to mean all joined up at: Agency level Partnership level Neighbourhood level Community level
Recommendations 1.Develop shared vision 2.Align SSP and Neighbourhoods reviews 3.Develop unified, well-led neighbourhood approach 4.Develop core offer to each area 5.Jointly commission to narrow the gaps 6.Adjust NPBs, Community Committees, Political Execs 7.Improve engagement and empowerment 8.Align with “Total Place” 9.Support people and relationships 10.Partnership briefings
Recommendation 1 Our Vision: “Everyone Can” Salford will be made up of successful neighbourhoods where: Everyone can see things improving. Everyone can be proud to live and work. Everyone can get along. Everyone can find out what is happening. Everyone can access the services they need. Everyone can connect to opportunities. Everyone can have their say. Everyone can work well together. Everyone can help. Everyone can benefit.
Recommendations 2 & 5 Governance and Commissioning Align Neighbourhoods Review with SSP review Detailed SSP report to follow Need whole system solution Need clear structures and roles Need to use commissioning at city and neighbourhood level to narrow the gap Need strong link between neighbourhood and strategic levels Area Co-ordinator / “Executive Link” role
Recommendation 3 & 4 Neighbourhood leadership and delivery Unified neighbourhood approach Lead professionals from key services NPB role Thematic leadership from partners Single Neighbourhood Plan Core Offer Targeted services and interventions Strengthened role for Neighbourhood Managers “Matrix Management”
? ? ? ? ? ? ? Neighbourhood-level co-ordination and leadership: Have we got it right yet? For each theme? As a joined-up whole?
We need everyone facing in the right direction, strong local leadership on each theme and clear overall leadership at neighbourhood level. = Effective delivery for all.
Recommendation 6 Adjusted terms of reference Strengthened NPBs – key role in driving delivery Community Committee – informs, affirms, checks Community Committee – nominees to NPB Wider forms of engagement, not just CC Political Executives – absorbed into NPB Elected members to meet as they choose
Recommendation 7 Engagement and Empowerment History in Salford. One of 18 NEA members Statutory Duty to Involve These are delivery issues Outcomes are not just what services do Need shared: language, approach, ambition, action plan Part of everyone’s job Align our messages for savings and impact Perceptions are an outcome and an enabler Align agendas such as cohesion, inclusion, supporting democracy, role of Third Sector, Citizenship, etc.
Recommendation 8 Align with Total Place Important emerging agenda Efficiency priorities Significant opportunity Salford pilots Needs to be aligned (We need a flexible system capable of integrating any future new drivers.) (Keep on track: “Bend not break”)
Recommendation 9 Organisational Development: People and Culture “This is a people business” “We’re only as good as our people and the relationships between them” “People and Culture” not just “Structure and Process” “It doesn’t just happen” Leadership needed to “mainstream” neighbourhood working Partnership approach needed to developing skills and relationships All levels
How does it all fit together? At this point, please see the A3-sized slide which, for formatting reasons, is attached as a separate file. Apologies for any inconvenience.
Many Products, One Vision Everyone Can SUPPORT EACH OTHER Everyone Can SHAPE DECISIONS Everyone Can IMPROVE N’HOOD SERVICES Everyone Can STRENGTHEN COMMUNITIES Devise, adopt and implement “Everyone Can” partnership vision and core principles. SSP Board/ForumAligned reviews with a strong neighbourhood focus for: Clean/green/safe Children’s Services Shared language, vision and ambition for engagement/ empowerment work. Devise, adopt, implement. Devise, adopt, implement a comprehensive partnership organisational development plan. Training, skills, relationships, etc. SSP Governance/commissioning structure/s. (Various products – tbc) Total Place Working N/hoods teams Efficiency agenda Social care, etc Integrated, cost-effective and technologically up-to-date implementation plan for partnership marketing and communications. Collaborate to Innovate – data/intelligence, business planning, performance mgmt. Neighbourhood strategic needs assessments inform core and targeted offers for each area. Joined up partnership approach to agendas including: Inclusion This slide will be re-done to show all the products 5 thematic partnershipsLocalised LAA targets with appropriate commissioning. Cohesion “jig-sawing” together to form the big picture. Area Co-ordinator /Executive Link role CAPs are replaced by single, comprehensive N/hood Plans, Citizenship Democratic Renewal Our perspective is that all this work needs to come together within an New membership, Terms of Ref and delivery focus for NPBs, Partners resource “lead professionals” to strengthen delivery via NPB. Third Sector role Etc aligned vision and approach - hence “Everyone Can.” Adjusted terms of reference for strong, effective Community Committee, Task Groups. Revised NM role plus matrix management.
Programme Management Needs active political, partnership and service-level support Needs the right place in our portfolios All partners will have to lead Needs to be clear and a priority at all levels Needs joined-up, effective programme management Needs to keep on track
How are we progressing? Securing partnership understanding and commitment Organising ourselves in neighbourhoods together Strengthening local leadership including identifying “lead professionals” Working on strengthening Neighbourhood Manager role Simplifying neighbourhood-level structures – NPB & Political Exec Turning CAPs into neighbourhood priorities linking to business plans Being clear about “core service offers” Working on how to link the neighbourhood and strategic levels Demonstrating that “You said so we did…”
“Win/Wins”- Benefits for all Get this right and the winners include: Citizens/customers Taxpayers Service providers Staff and managers Elected members Neighbourhoods and the city The Partnership