Introducing decentralized composting in a community i (and into the culture of a whole population...) o Joaquim Moura Brazil (a practitioner since 1978)
Imagens de Visconde de Mauás
Previous initiatives 1.Shadows in a clear day (1978)Shadows in a clear day 2.For a poisonless food (1979)For a poisonless food 3.Domestic gardens - Suggestion: a garden in every home, industrial plant, prison and military quarter (1981)Domestic gardens 4.School gardens in Rio de Janeiro (1982)School gardens
Other inspiring initiatives 1.New York City composting projectNew York City 2.Brussels’ “Compostage de quartier”Brussels 3.Master composter manual (Ithaca NY)Master composter manual 4.“The Bucket Revolution”, in FlorianopolisThe Bucket Revolution 5.“Compost São Paulo”, in São PauloCompost São Paulo
More recent initiatives 1.Urban Agriculture Magazine in PortugueseUrban Agriculture Magazine 2.The Urban Agriculture GatewayThe Urban Agriculture Gateway 3.Community composting in Visconde de MauáCommunity composting 4.Improving the composting site of a huge nuclear facility in RioImproving the composting site 5.Implanting composting activity at the Visconde de Maua High SchoolImplanting composting activity
Introducing composting in the community 1.Waste reduction goals of the Brazilian Solid Residues National Law (2008)Waste reduction goals 2.Inviting letter for 30 municipalities included in Mantiqueira EPAInviting letter 3.Acceptance letters from 10 municipalitiesAcceptance 4.Basic text on community compostingBasic text
The practical and technical aspects of the project 1.The decentralized composting systemcomposting system 2.The pilot-project in Visconde de MauáThe pilot-project in Visconde de Mauá 3.Printed materials (1 and 2) to help spreading the system in the region12 4.Visiting the local hotels, hostels and restaurants (1 and 2)12
Current results and challenges 1.Examples of composters in use in homes, elementary school and hostelsExamples of composters 2.Our main constraint: the lack of productivity of the official agencieslack of productivity The endless End since there is the recycling...