What kind of fish swims in the sky at night?
Phylum Echinodermata “Spiny skin” Echinoderms Phylum Echinodermata “Spiny skin”
All Marine CaCO3 in skin and shell (test) bumpy skin Papilla increase surface area, breathe through skin
Secondary radial symmetry Planktonic larva are bilaterally symmetrical
Radial symmetry is pentamerous (5 sided) (no anterior/ posterior, dorsal, or ventral but oral vs.. aboral).
Endoskeleton (sea urchin test) Unique water vascular system, muscles squeeze water into and out of tube feet, which, ends in suckers for attachment and movement.
Pedicellariae - pincers to keep surface clean
Class Asteroidean - Sea stars: 1700 species (carnivores) Sometimes have 50 arms that can be regenerated.
Predators of bivalves and snails, force open, Predators of bivalves and snails, force open, invert stomach into or on, then digest outside of body.
Class Ophiuroidea - snake like: 2000 species Central disc body, move by wringing their arms.
Arms break off easily and regenerate. Detritivores and suspension feeders. Basket stars have highly branched arms.
Class Echinoidea Sea urchins/ Sand dollars: (herbivores) Endoskeleton forms a “test” holes for tube feet, knobs for spine attachment.
Have moveable spines and tube feet for locomotion.
Aristotle’s Lantern is a system of muscles that Aristotle’s Lantern is a system of muscles that controls the five teeth. Graze on attached or drifting plant material.
Class Holothuroidea Sea cucumbers: 900 Species (Detritivore) Worm like echinoderms, mouth to anus is stretched.
Detritivore - deposit feeder with modified tube feet as tentacles to move food into mouth.
Evisceration - release guts/ internal organs out the anus as defense.