Lisa Spiro December 3, 2014
“make published articles written by faculty members available for open dissemination” (post-policy) Author’s final version of article is deposited into Rice Digital Scholarship Archive (RDSA) Faculty can opt-out by completing a waiver or can request an embargo
Uphold the university’s mission of “disseminating the fruits of its research and scholarship as widely as possible” Support public access to research Enjoy likely citation advantage
Collections include: Faculty publications Theses & dissertations Cultural objects
News from Fondren
Presented at several department meetings (although many were not responsive) outreach
Detect new faculty publication (Google Scholar) Send requesting postprint Deposit postprint in RDSA
Total Deposits: ~ 990 (significant increase over pre-policy) Publications come from across campus Some faculty contribute many publications
M.G. Kafkas
“Aware, Plate 3”
# of Publications % of Total Publications Open access publications deposited (on opt-out basis) 5312% Postprints deposited6515% Articles submitted but not eligible for deposit (provided only as final published version) 164% Articles Deposited or Submitted for Deposit to RDSA (Jan. to early Nov ), out of 429 total
Rice Publication Pages:Publication Pages Researcher Lab Institute/ Center
Likely greater visibility on Google Scholar Single access point rather than siloes Management & preservation by library professionals
Paul Hocksenar
Understand barriers and motivations. Conduct more outreach. Seek partnerships.
Integrate OA deposits into faculty workflow to minimize time and effort Demonstrate clear benefits to faculty in increased visibility and reduced hassle
Automatic publication harvesting through UC Publication Management System.UC Publication Management System
Contribute your work. Provide input on the Rice Digital Scholarship Archive & the open access policy. Encourage fellow faculty to contribute their articles.
Lisa Spiro, Executive Director of Digital Scholarship Services: Shannon Kipphut- Smith, Scholarly Communications Liaison: Valerie Everett