The Megalopolis
What exactly is a Megalopolis? A region in which several major cities and surrounding areas grow together.
Why is the northeast one of the most heavily populated and urbanized areas? -43 million people live in Megalopolis, 20% of the population of the North American continent. -The American Megalopolis is 500 square miles of land on the northeast coast of the USA, covering only 1 % of the North American continent.
That's 20% of the People on 1% of the Land Why isn't this area overpopulated??
Why so many people on this small region of land?
It took a “perfect storm” of geographic combinations to create a region that was nearly perfect for the settlement of a large number of people. The glaciers of the last Ice Age tore apart the east coast of the USA, creating deep natural harbors and bays.
The first settlers found dense forests and rich farm land. There were plenty of fresh water resources for settlers and cities.
While the Appalachian Mountains served to “hem” the settlers in, they also provided valuable resources. The “Fall Line” kept ships from using most of the rivers on the East Coast to move into the interior, the rivers did provide:
Water falls and rapids provided the region with water power Water falls and rapids provided the region with water power. This was the most efficient use of power in its day. Factories and cities built up along the Fall Line to take advantage of this natural resource.
Major Cities of Megalopolis Boston New York City Philadelphia Baltimore Washington, D.C.
North American Megalopolis Regions