Training techniques THIRD GROUP TRAINING COURSE IN APPLICATION OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGY TO PRODUCTION AND DISSEMINATION OF OFFICIAL STATISTICS SIAP, TOKYO, May –July,2007 Session objectives: –Train you as trainers on Concepts of training and learning Capacity building Methods of training Conducting an effective training
What is the hierarchy ? 1 2 Presentation techniques Training techniques Power point presentations Training techniques Presentation techniques Power point presentations
Why do we make presentations? ……??
InformTell something CommunicateExchange ideas TeachMake understand and improve the knowledge TrainTeach to do something Capacity buildingSystematic improvement on a line of business Get feedbackBuilding consensus (both parties knowledgeable)
What is OD? Organizational Development is the process of improving organizations by increasing organizational and/or employee effectiveness.
Who are the Clients? Board of Directors, CEOs, VPs During changes in corporate strategy, mission, leadership, technology or organization structure Middle Managers Within specific areas or across functions to identify sources of conflict and barriers to performance, or help build a broader vision and more effective leadership First Line Supervisors To improve operations and employee involvement, establish high involvement work teams, improve organizational communication, develop supervisory training or new reward systems Line Workers To facilitate job redesign improved performance, teambuilding or improvement in the work environment
Performanc e Gaps Micromanaging Role Ambiguity Infighting Conflict Low Morale Biz Growing Pains Diversity Issues Grooming Future Leaders Skill Building What Issues Can OD Address? Decisions Don’t Stick High Turnover Lack of Mission/Vision Ineffective Norms/Patterns
What should I be doing today? Training of Trainers Be a facilitator
three lies… and three fears three lies -you know.. –Lies, damn lies and statistics number one fear that people have is speaking in public. Their number two fear is dying. And the number three fear that people have, is dying while speaking in public
Training or learning? focus on learning, not training 'Training' suggests putting stuff into people?? We should develop people from the inside out - so they achieve their own individual potential - what they love and enjoy - what they are most capable of - and strong at doing - rather than what we try to make them be.
More.. Training is about the organisation. Training is something that happens at work.. Training merely describes, and commonly represents, transfer of knowledge or skill for organisational gain, Learning is about the person Learning is something that people pursue by choice at their own cost in their own time Learning Learning describes a person growing
What you should do.. Be ready to learn not to get trained –and repeat the same on others When you train somebody, make them ready to learn, and not to get trained (only) Of course… we need training in the short run, such as skills, but finally, learning is what benefit both the ‘self’ and ‘office’
facilitator’s role let us list out the good and bad things of a presenter/presentations goodbad