Film Promo Seminar Presentations
As part of your research it is important that your group analyse a whole film campaign. Your wiki page should include detailed analysis of film promo campaigns exploring the form, generic conventions and subversions, representational and ideological issues, narrative and institutional contexts and the technical aspects. You have two weeks to present to the class a film promo campaign of your group’s choice analysing the following areas:
Form and style: length and structure of the trailer/poster/mag front cover. Stylistic decisions such as use of colour, animation, special effects, performance, tone and mood evoked. Technical aspects: how cinematography/photography, use of sound, mise-en-scene and editing create meaning.
Genre: does the trailer/poster/mag front cover adhere to the conventions of the genre or subvert them? Representation and ideology: how are the character’s /stars represented. Can you discuss stereotypes?
Narrative: Is the trailer narrative linear or non- linear? Do we understand the plot of the film? How does the poster tell the story? Institutional contexts: what main feature film would the trailer be played before? Would it get TV air? What is studio? How much have they invested in the marketing of this film? Where would the posters be placed. What other marketing methods does the film use.
Logistics Decide on your film carefully. It should be in a genre that you are doing. Delegate section/areas to analyse. Present your analysis on easy to read PowerPoints. Make sure you can get access to the trailer- is best.
Assessed You will be given an individual grade for your contribution to the group. You will then be asked to upload your presentation for your own research and planning on the wiki – this will be counted as a trailer analysis.