Felipe Marquez
The Patricians were part of the noble family which meant they had slaves while Plebeians were normal people or slaves.
1. After birth, the midwife placed babies on the ground: only if the paterfamilias picked it up was the baby formally accepted into the family. 2. Newborns could be killed or sold and deformed children were exposed or killed. Children legally belonged to the father, even after a divorce. 3. Around 25 percent of babies in the first century AD did not survive their first year and up to half of all children would die before the age of 10.
So in Rome they thought the men was more powerful then the woman. They thought the women were weaker than them. They also thought that children with impurity ( disability) were cured and would need to be killed. They also threat there slave like less class even though some were men from the Patricians but were sold for slaves when they were a baby. So in totally this society is very harsh and unfair but it kept thing organized for the people.