STAGE 2 Contextual and Critical Studies Mini-Programmes 07/08
The Critical and Contextual Studies mini- programmes aim to encourage discussion of contemporary practice and theory with a view to situating that discussion in a wider cultural and historical framework, and enabling you to make links with your studio practice. Contextual and Critical Studies Mini-Programmes 07/08
Cross-course / Cross-year delivery Mini-Prog = 3 weeks (3 lectures/3 seminars) Choice of 2 mini-programmes Students choose 1 programme for assessment Contextual and Critical Studies Mini-Programmes 07/08 Must attend lectures for both mini-programmes
Andrea Peach Lesley Scott Contextual and Critical Studies Staff Team
Mini-Programmes Semester 1
Lectures: Monday 1-2pm SB42 Mini-Programmes Semester 1 Seminars: Tuesdays SA
Seminar Participation and Attendance Critical Notebook Mini-Programme Coursework Essay
Lesley Scott Turning to Beauty Andrea Peach From Here to Modernity Semester 1 Mini-Programme Themes
The Titanic - Photomontage Stanley Tigerman, 1978, USA What was modernism all about and what significance is it to artists, architects and designers today? Has modernity endured and in what form? What does it really mean to ‘be modern’? This programme will look at the ongoing impact of Modernism on contemporary art, design and culture and consider its relevance to 21st century practice. We will revisit key images and texts in twentieth century modernism, and look at its ongoing influence in today’s post postmodern society. From Here to Modernity (Modernism. Yes, But.) tutor: Andrea Peach
Tutor: Lesley Scott Theory is turning once again to beauty and aesthetics and this programme provides an opportunity to consider both old and new ideas. The programme begins by examining beauty in different times and places and concludes by reviewing its current position in contemporary culture and practice. Key questions are: What is beauty, how might you create it and is it the same for everyone? Why was beauty rejected in 20 th century fine art practice? What is contemporary beauty and is it of value in art and design practice? If beauty was the old aesthetics, of what could a ‘new aesthetics’ consist? Turning to Beauty
State your preference on form provided Places will be limited to ensure that all programmes are filled. We will try to accommodate your choice - BUT cannot guarantee it Lists will be posted on CCS noticeboard Monday October Electing Your Semester 1 Mini-Programmes
Mini-programme 1 - lecture starts Monday October 1st at 1.00 in SB42 Scott Sutherland Seminars start on Tuesday October 2nd pm in SA46 Scott Sutherland (see CCS noticeboard for seminar groups) Mini-Programme Seminar readings will be distributed to a representation from each subject area after this briefing
Plagiarism (attendance mandatory): Monday 22 October 12-1 SA 225 (Aberdeen Business School) Referencing (attendance mandatory): Monday 29 October 12-1 SA 225 (Aberdeen Business School) Study Support Sessions
Writing Skills (attendance recommended): Monday 5 November 12-1 SA 225 Monday 12 November 12-1 SA 225 Monday 19 November 12-1 SA 225 Study Support Sessions
Refworks (attendance optional): Wednesday 31 October (Aberdeen Business School) Wednesday 7 November (Aberdeen Business School) Must sign up for these sessions at Referencing lecture Study Support Sessions
Mini-Programme 1: Wednesday 10 October Library Mini-Programme 2: Wednesday 14 November Library Additional Support for Direct Entry Students
Andrea Peach (26) 3692 GP20 Portacabins Lesley Scott (26) 3692 GP20 Portacabins Any Questions? See for all information!