About Me Jesse Hartloff Office: 203 Davis Office hours: TBD
Handouts for today Syllabus Homework Policy document (online) Pre-course Questionnaire
Read the syllabus CAREFULLY!
Pre-requisites Required (officially) CSE 250, CSE 191 and MTH 142 At least a C- Required (for practical purposes) Comfort with proofs Willingness to work hard!
Academic Dishonesty All your submissions must be your own work Penalty: Minimum: An F grade Possible: F “due to academic dishonesty” on your transcript YOUR responsibility to know what is cheating, plagarism etc. If not sure, come talk to me Excuses like “I have a job,” “This was OK earlier/in my country,” etc. WON’T WORK
Disabilities Information included in the syllabus In short, let me know and consult with Office of Disability Services
TBA Office hours YOU decide! (times on board)
Recitations Will start Thursday If you want to stick around today to talk with me you are more than welcome
Exams Mid term Date: TBD, Norton 213, 2:00-4:05pm Final exam Thursday, August 8, Room TBA, 2:00-5:15pm
This course: how to solve problems!
Why should I care ?
If a picture is worth 1K words
Yes, I’m promising you World Domination
If world domination is not for you
From someone who got a Google job “You can let your algorithms class know that the phone interviews are essentially like a difficult algorithms test. Lots of data structures, specifying the algorithm, analyzing the run time and space requirements... And all on the phone and you're supposed to talk through your thought process.”
Why care about algorithms? Driving directions
Why care about algorithms? Computing Bestsellers on the fly
Why care about algorithms? Booking cheapest air tickets
Why care about algorithms? Google searches
Why care about algorithms? Data compression
Why care about algorithms? Error correction /
(And I could) go on…
Read Chazelle’s article
Now about the course IT’LL BE
We’ll do loads of Writing down your thought process formally and precisely! Proofs!
The language of proofs Brad Pitt had a beard Every goat has a beard waleg.com animaldiversity.org Hence, Brad Pitt is a goat.
A common complaint Your examples in class look nothing like HW questions.
True because…. zazzle.com
False because… HWs and exams will test your understanding of the material
To get an A in the class Have to get at least % Rest graded on the curve
What I’ll strive to do Help you with your questions and/or doubts If need be, me for time outside of regular office hours
I’m not a mind reader Tell me what you don’t understand so I can explain it better
Homework 0 Will be graded but not count towards your grade Hopefully can avoid some common mistakes in the HWs that count Online by Thursday. Due Thursday, May 30
More chances to recover Lowest two HW scores will be dropped If you do better on the final exam then only final exam and HW scores will count
Follow the Textbook
The only way to do well is to work hard
Lectures in general Proofs on the board Slides for overviews
Pre-course Questionnaire So I can customize the course to your needs and interests This is possible with such a small class