The target audience for this lesson is students in 2 nd grade. When making this lesson there was the assumption that the learners/users already have a basic ability to read and understand simple sentences.
The learner will be using this product at school mainly. They can also use it at home if they chose to. The students will need headphones for the video but that is all. This was designed for independent study. This product will benefit the learners because they will have a understanding of what careers there are and what they do.
Students will be able to identify different careers in the world. Given a job description, the students will be able to identify which career is being described. Given pictures, students will be able to match the correct career with the correct item. Given a test students will be able to pass with 90% accuracy.
These buttons will help you navigate through the simulation. BACK HOME NEXT
Teacher Doctor Veterinarian Firefighter Police Officer Quiz
Hello, I am Mrs. Doe. I heard you were here for a tour of my day. NEXT
This is my classroom. Where my time is mainly spent, during the day, teaching children. BACK
NEXT My desk is where all the preparations for the day are made. BACK
NEXT Here is my chalkboard. From here I have the ability to share information with students all at once and then help them 1 on 1 after that. BACK
Which of the following is not found in a classroom? TeacherChalkboardDog BACK
Oh no! That is incorrect. Without teachers a classroom would be a boring room of desks and chairs. Please go back and try again.
BACK That is incorrect. The chalkboard is one of the main tools used for demonstrating ideas in the classroom. Please go back and try again.
HOME Correct! A dog does not belong in a classroom. Congratulations! Here is the star for completing this section.
NEXT Ah! You must be here for the tour. Please step this way. The doctor will be right with you.
NEXT This is my office where I tend to the sick. BACK
NEXT These are my tongue presses. They are used to hold your tongue out of the way so that I can look at your throat. BACK
NEXT This is my trusty stethoscope. It allows me to hear a person’s heartbeat and make sure everything is working okay. BACK
If I wanted to figure out how many times a person’s heart beats in one minute what item would I use? Tongue PressBaseball BatStethoscope BACK
That is incorrect. The tongue press is used to keep the tongue out of the way when checking the throat. Please go back and try again.
BACK Not quite. A baseball bat should not be found in the doctor’s office. Please go back and try again.
HOME Correct! The stethoscope is the tool I would want to use in this situation. Congratulations! You have won a star for completing this section.
Hi! Sorry about the mess I have been very busy today. Please come back to my office. NEXT
BACK Here is my operating table where the animals sit while I check-up on them.
NEXT BACK Like other doctors, I to have a stethoscope because I need to hear different parts of my patients as well.
NEXT BACK A big thing I need to keep in my office is treats for all different types of animals so that I can reward them when we finish.
Which of the following does not belong in a veterinarian’s office? ParrotCat Sick Person BACK
Sorry that is incorrect. Parrots are animals and the veterinarian is a doctor for animals. Please go back and try again.
BACK I am sorry that is not correct. Cats, like dogs and other animals, are taken to the veterinarian for treatment. Please go back and try again
HOME Correct! You should find a sick person at the doctor’s office, not the veterinarian’s office. Congratulations! You have collected the star for this section.
Welcome to Station 1! We have been excited for your arrival and to give you your tour. NEXT
BACK This is Station 1. Here we eat, sleep, and stay prepared for a fire at any moment.
BACK NEXT Here is the greatest tool at our disposal, our fire truck. It has everything we need to put out a fire.
NEXT BACK Our helmets are not just for looks. These things are not only very cool looking but they also protect us from falling boards and ceilings when in the fire.
BACK A nice old lady called with concerns about her cat being stuck in a tree. When you get to the scene what would you use to get the cat down? Firefighter hoseLadderFirefighter helmet
BACK While the hose would get the animal out it is not a very smart way, nor is it safe for the animal, to get the cat down. Please go back and try again.
HOME Correct! The ladder would be the best item to use because it will get you high enough to get the cat without harming it. Congratulations! You collected the star for this section!
BACK Not quite. Your helmet makes a great protection tool, but using it to get an animal out of a tree would not be acceptable. Please go back and try again
Welcome to the police department! I am the chief here and will be leading you on your tour. NEXT
BACK This is our police station here. This is where we each start and end our days before going home.
NEXT BACK Here is our faithful K-9 Lex. She is the best police dog in the world. Nothing can hide from her once she has the scent.
NEXT BACK There are our signature vehicles. Whenever there is someone breaking the law you will see these cars at the scene.
BACK Some of the deputies threw a party at the department and did a bad job cleaning up. Which item below does not belong at the police department? Police CarPolice DogClown Car
BACK That is incorrect. The police car is a valued tool that police use to make others aware when something is going on with the use of a siren and lights. Please go back and try again.
BACK Not quite. Police dogs are valued members of the team and are allowed to visit the department. Please go back and try again.
HOME Correct! The clown car does not belong at the police department. Congratulations! You have got the star for completing this section.
I work with students everyday. One of my main tools is a chalkboard to help them learn more. Who am I? TeacherVeterinarianDoctorPolice OfficerFirefighter
I help people cure different illnesses. My main tool that identifies me is my stethoscope. Who am I? TeacherVeterinarianDoctorPolice OfficerFirefighter
I am who you take your pets to when they are sick. I might also be known as an animal doctor. Who am I? Teacher Police OfficerFirefighter Doctor Veterinarian
I keep the world safe from criminals. My main tool is my vehicle because it helps me a lot. Who am I? TeacherDoctorFirefighter Veterinarian Police Officer
I save people from burning buildings and fight fires. My main tool is a giant red truck. Who am I? Teacher Doctor Veterinarian Police OfficerFirefighter
Who works in this building? Teacher Doctor Veterinarian Police OfficerFirefighter
Who works in this building? Teacher Doctor Veterinarian Police OfficerFirefighter
Who works in this building? Teacher Doctor Veterinarian Police OfficerFirefighter
Who works in this building? Teacher Doctor Veterinarian Police OfficerFirefighter
Who works in this building? Teacher Doctor Veterinarian Police OfficerFirefighter
If you got 9 or more of the 10 questions correct please click the “Next” arrow. If you got 8 or less of the 10 correct please click the “Home” button and review more and then retake the quiz. HOME
Congratulations! You have collected the final star needed to power the time machine! Now lets go back to the home page and see what we need to do to go about getting back home. HOME
Teacher Doctor Veterinarian Firefighter Police Officer Quiz Repair Time Machine
Congratulations on successfully making it back home! I hope you learned a lot on your career adventure and had a great time while doing so! Press Esc key to end game
N.d.,Clip Art, Microsoft, Retrieved Nov. 13, 2013 from N.d., Hydraulic veterinary operating table, Medical Expo, Retrieved Nov. 13, 2013 from veterinary-operating-tables html Renico, Leslie, n.d., How to Make a Floating Boat out of Popsicle Sticks, Entertainment Guide, Retrieved Nov. 13, 2013 from floating-boat-out-popsicle-sticks-8528.html