AIST=Innovation Joel Bandibas Geological Survey of Japan (GSJ) National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) Development of WebGIS-based Biogas Information System Using FOSS and OGC Based Standards
AIST=Innovation Objectives To make the trainees knowledgeable about FOSS and OGC standards that are used in the development of web-based Spatial Data Sharing System and WebGIS To make the trainees capable of developing web-based Object- Relational Database Management System. To enable the trainees to formulate OGC based web services and put up web services clients To enable the trainees to develop and maintain a working Biogas WebGIS
Outline AIST=Innovation I. Spatial Data Infrastructure II. Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) III. Introduction of OGC and Web Map Services IV.Web-based Database Creation V.V. Web Map Service Formulation VI. Web Map Service Testing VII. SQL Formulation and Database Queries VIII. Web Map Service Client Development IX. Putting it all together: WebGIS Portal Development IX. Introduction of CvSU’s Web-Based Biogas Information System
AIST=Innovation for Society National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology Mission (AIST) INNOVATION for SOCIETY
AIST=Innovation for Society 1.User-friendly 2.Interoperable 3.Cost Effective FOSS and OGC based WebGIS system development follows the AIST application development guidelines which are the following:
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)
Geological Survey of Japan