National Conference on Agriculture for Rabi Campaign th & 25 th September 2008 New Delhi Madhya Pradesh 1
Agro Climatic Zones in Madhya Pradesh 2
Rainfall position CategoryNo. of Distt.Name of districts EXCESS RAINFALL (+20% & Above) 8 Morena, Bhind, Tikamgarh, Datia, Ashoknagar, Shivpuri, Damoh, Sheopukala NORMAL RAINFALL (+19% to –19%) 24 Chhatarpur, Jabalpur, Gwalior, Guna, Sagar, Neemuch, Vidisha, Katni, Alirajpur, Mandla, Balaghat, Rewa, Anuppur, Dindori, Panna, Burhanpur, Mandsaur, Seoni, Shahdol, Barwani, Dhar, Sidhi, Khandwa, Jhabua DEFICIENT RAINFALL (-20% to 59%) 18 Singroli, Umaria, Narsinghpur, Raisen, Ujjain, Satna, Indore, Rajgarh, Shajapur, Dewas, Betul, Ratlam, Bhopal, Khargon, Chhindwara, Sehore, Hoshangabad, Harda
1. (a) Area (Unit in Lakh ha.) CropNormal2007 (FFC)Target 2008Estimated, 2008 Paddy Maize Total Cereals Urad Tuar Total pulses Total Food grains Soybean Total Oilseeds Cotton Grand Total KHARIF ASSESSMENT
(b) Production (Unit in Lakh tonnes) CropNormal2007 (FFC)Target Est. Paddy Maize Total Cereals Urad Tuar Total pulses Total Food grains Soybean Total Oilseeds Cotton (Lakh Bales) Grand Total
(C) Productivity (Unit –kg./ha.) CropNormal2007 (FFC)Target Est. Paddy Maize Total pulses Total Food grains Soybean Total Oilseeds Cotton Average
(a) Area (Unit in Lakh ha.) CropNormal07-08 (FFC)Target Wheat Total Cereals Gram Total pulses Total food grains Mustard Total oilseeds Grand Total RABI PROGRAMME 7
CropNormal07-08 (FFC)Target Wheat Total Cereals Gram Total pulses Total food grains Mustard Total oilseeds Grand Total (b) Production (Unit in Lakh tonnes) 8
(C) Productivity (Unit – kg./ha.) CropsNormal07-08 (FFC)Target Wheat Total Cereals Gram Total pulses Total food grains Mustard Total oilseeds Total Rabi
Proposed programme RABI (Comparative ) ContentUnit (FFC)08-09 Target Area(lakh.ha.) Production(lakh tonnes) Productivity(Kg./ha.)
11 Main Crops Proposed Wheat Paddy Maize Gram Urd Moong Arhar Mustard Soybean Seed Replacement Rate (%)
Seed availability : RABI – CropDistri Target 08-09Availability Wheat Gram Pea Lentil Mustard Linseed Total Unit – Qtls. 12
SEED TREATMENT CAMPAIGN Kharif 06 23%Rabi % Kharif 07 40%Rabi % Kharif 0858 %Rabi % (Proposed) Initiatives : Publicity through AIR, DD, local cable channels, posters, handbills etc. Organization of demonstration & training to the farmers Use of power operated seed treating machines Under PPP : MoU made with Dhanuka & BASF for this program involving demonstration, training & power operated seed treating machine. 13
Seed testing 14 Unit – Nos. YearSamples drawn Sample Analyzed Samples Standard Samples Sub- Standard (Aug. 08)
Target & achievement for Fertilisers Kharif 08 FertiliserKharif 07 consumption Kharif 08 TargetAchievement upto 15 Sept. Urea DAP Complex SSP MOP Unit – Lakh M.T. 15
Requirement of Fertilisers for RABI FertiliserHighest consumption Total requirement Month wise requirement Oct.Nov.Dec. Urea DAP Complex SSP MOP Unit – Lakh M.T. 16
FERTILISER QUALITY CONTROL Unit – Nos. Particular (15 th Sept.) Target for Sample Analyzed Standard Non Standard
INM Under INM Program State Govt. is promoting organic farming in big way. Under INM Program, subsidy being provided to the farmers for Rs.1000/-/pit or 50% Training to farmer villages under organic farming identified as organic farming village Achievements in Nadep VERMI COMPOST PIT 13500
National Food Security Mission IMPACT OF INTERVENTION Area expansion Unit – Lakh Ha. CropsDistt Wheat Pulses Productivity enhancement Unit - Kg./Ha. Wheat Pulses Production enhancement Unit – Lakh tonnes Wheat Pulses
IMPECT UNDER NFSM (cont.) ACTIVITYUNITCROP Seed distributionQtl.Wheat Pulse Micro NutrientsHa.Wheat Pulses MachineriesNo.Rotavator74140 Zero Till seed drill
National Food Security Mission – Wheat ComponentUnit ProgrammeAchievement PhyFinPhyFin DemonstrationNo Seed distribution (33% SRR)Qtls Seed Minikit of improved varietiesQtls Incentive for Micro nutrientsHa Incentive for GypsumHa Zero Tiliage Seed drill machineNo Incentive for RotavatorNo Assistance for diesel pump sets for 5 HPNo Farmers Training at FFS pattern.No Misc. Exp.Rs Total
National Food Security Mission – Wheat COMPONENT Programme UNIT PHYFIN Demonstration Rs2000/- per Demo.(Nos)NO Seed Distribution (33%SRR) 500/-per qt.(qut.)QTLS Seed Minikite of improved Varieties Full Cost(Nos)NO Incetive for micro nutrients 500/- per ha.(Ha.)HA Incetive for Gypsum (salt eff.soils )500/-er.ha.(Ha.)HA Zorotillage seed drill machine15000/- per machine(No.)NO Incetive for Rotavators 30000/- per machine(No.)NO Assistance for diseal pumpsets of 5 hp 10000/- per set(Nos)NO Farmer Traninig on FFS pattern17000/-per tra.(Nos)NO Project Management team & POL, other distt.levela. Miscellaneous Expenditure RS Project Management team & POL, other state.levela. Miscellaneous Expenditure RS GRAND TOTALRS
National Food Security Mission – Pulse (Kharif) COMPONENT ProgrammeAchievement UNIT PHYFINPHYFIN Purchase of Breeder Seed (Full Cost)Qtls Production of Foundation & Certified SeedQtls Distribution of Certified SeedsQtls Zypsum / Lime DistributionHa Micro NutrientsHa IPMHa Distribution of Sprinkler SetsNo Extension Training (FFS)`No Project Management team & POL, other distt.levela. Miscellaneous Expenditure RS Project Management team & POL, other state.levela. Miscellaneous Expenditure RS Grand Total
National Food Security Mission – Pulse ComponentUnitProgrammeAchievement PhyFinPhyFin Purchase of breeder seedQtls Production of foundation / certified seedQtls Distribution of seedQtls INMHa IPMHa Sprinkler setNo ContingencyNo Strengthening of seed certification agencyNo Extension trainingNo Total
National Food Security Mission – Pulse COMPONENT Programme (Rabi) UNIT PHYFIN Purchase of Breeder Seed (Full Cost)Qtls Production of Foundation & Certified SeedQtls Distribution of Certified SeedsQtls Zypsum / Lime DistributionHa Micro NutrientsHa IPMHa Distribution of Sprinkler SetsNo Extension Training (FFS)`No Grand Total
Component UnitTargetAchievement PHY.FIN.PHY.FIN. Demonstration of improved package of practicesNo Demonstration of system of rice intensificationNo Demonstration on hybrid rice technologyNo Assistance for distribution of hybrid riceQt Assistance for distribution of HYVs seedQt Seed Minikits of high yielding varietiesNo Incentive for micro nutrients (in deficient soils)Ha Intensive for liming in acid soilsHa Incentive for conoweeder and other farm implements No National Food Security Mission – Rice
S. No. ComponentUnitTargetAchievment PHY.FIN.PHY.FIN. 10Assistance for plant protection chemicals & bio- pesticids Ha Farmers training at FFS patternNo Awards for best performing districtNo Misc expenditure aProject Management Team and other MISC Expenses at district level No bProject Management team and other MISC Expenses at State level No GRANT TOTALHa Cont.
Unit - Rs in lakh Allocation in SLSC approval (Stream-I)7902 Fund Released by GOI January 2008 Stream-I7112 Stream-II2600 Expenditure up to Balance of Stream-II of Indicative allocation for Total Funds available for Allocation by GOI Unspent Balance 2600 SLSC approval Fund released by GOI Stream-I 4074 Stream-II RASHTRIYA KRISHI VIKAS YOJANA
29 RASHTRIYA KRISHI VIKASH YOJANA Rs. in Lakhs DEPARTMENT Projects Sanctioned SLSC Funds available Expenditure Agriculture Animal Husbandry Fisheries Horticulture Total
EXTENSION PPP: ATMA is working with 8 partners namely ITC, ISAP, PRADAAN, GVT, ASA, MPRLP, DAAWAT, K.J.EDUCATION Soc. Partners are working in the areas of Farm schools, demonstration, training, exposure visit, Kisan Goshthi etc. ATMA SANDESH: Partner is K.J. Education Society, Bhopal. One lakh “Atma Sandesh” is published every month It is circulated to all cooperative societies of MP, divisional and district head quarters of Agriculture and allied departments,71000 Kisan Mitra and kisan Didi DEMONSTRATION: 9689 demonstrations have been conducted in ATMA PPP till July 2008 FARM SCHOOL: 684 farm schools have been established by ATMA PPP till July 2008 KRISHI VIGYAN MELA: 46 Krishi Vigyan Melas have been organised in Kharif 2008, in the state 2.5 lakh farmers attended the Mela. 31
Other PPP Partners SOPA and ASA are the partners in ISOPOM scheme Dhanuka & BASF are working in the field of seed treatment AGRIBUSINESS / AGRICLINIC: 497 persons trained by MANAGE, Hyderabad Hello Gram Sabha - 40 minutes broadcast by AIR, Bhopal On every second and 4 th Friday of the month Gram Mangal 30 Minutes program Telecasted by DD Bhopal Krishi Darshan Broad spectrum program telecasted by DD Bhopal 32
ATMA PPP PartnersNo of dist./blk Partner contribution % Project value (Rs. Lakhs) ITC Limited22/ K.J. Education Society48/ Dawat Foods8/ ISAP6/ GVT7/ ASA8/ PARADAN7/ MPRLP7/ Grand Total
Best extension practices Farm School 684 farm schools established under ATMA PPP in Kharif 08 Demonstration demonstrations conducted in Kharif 08 Community Radio Station First community radio station in state at Sironj, distt Vidisha Technical partner is ISAP SIAET to apply for license from GOI for 311 CRS block level 311 CRS are to be established in coming year Kisan Call Center (KCC) KCC established at Bhopal by State Govt. The technical partner is ISAP The Toll free No. is
35 Unit – Area in ha S.No.Practices – Kharif-08TargetProgress 1Medagasker Method in Paddy Special Programme for Basmati Rice Hybrid Paddy Programme Replacement of upland Paddy with Oilseed & Pulse Raised bed planting in Soybean Ridge and Furrow method in Soybean Hybrid Jowar Programme Hybrid Maize Programme Demonstration on crops (at least one Demo. per village) Intercropping programme Best practices adopted by the State
Special programmes In the year total Kisan Mitra & Kisan Didi were trained Scheme for training to Schedule cast and Schedule tribe farmers has been launched from Scheme for training to Women farmers, has been launched from Campaign of seed treatment for Kharif and Rabi crops. Transfer of Technology through ATMA scheme Focus on minor irrigation and ground water recharge: State support to farm ponds, tanks Revival of extension system: ATMA, KRISHINET, KCC, IVRI, Kisan Mitra/ Kisan Didi; farmer clubs; more staff Organization of field demonstrations and training by ITC & Department of Agriculture under PPP model of ATMA 36
Capacity building of the field functionaries Increasing Seed replacement rate Use of high yielding varieties Large scale Seed treatment Use of Bio-fertilizers and Micro nutrients Balance use of fertilizers Plant protection – Chemical and Biological Inter cultural operations Water Management (adequate & timely Irrigation) STEPS - TO IMPROVE PRODUCTIVITY 37
Financial Status of SHM Madhya Pradesh upto August S.No.Year A.A.P Approved Funds Released Funds Utilized * (Rs. In Lac.) * Upto August, 2008
National Horticulture Mission in Madhya Pradesh Mission started during Districts are included out of 50 districts. Focus crops are :- 1. Fruits :Mango, Guava, Orange, Anola, Ber, Pomegranate, Custard apple and Banana 2. Spices :Chilli, Garlic and Coriander 3. Flowers : Loose, Bulbous and Cut flowers
Area covered under Horticulture Crops upto Aug-08 CropsUnitUpto During (upto Aug-08) FRUITSHact SPICESHact FLOWERSHact TOTAL Old orchards rejuvenated upto Aug-2008 CropsUnitUpto During (upto Aug-08) OrangeHact MangoHact GuavaHact TOTAL Farmers Training upto Aug-2008 Farmers TrainingUnitUpto During (upto Aug-08) Inside the StateNo Outside the StateNo
MARKETING Agricultural Marketing Reforms - Provision regarding Contract farming w.e.f Provision of Single License for more than one market area E-Agricultural Marketing – 1 st phase 64 APMCs and all 7 divi. Offices computerized
MICRO IRRIGATION SCHEME 1.Subsidy Provision under Scheme : % Central Sector-40% State Sector-30-40% For General Category-30% For SC/ST Category-40% 2.Liberty to purchasing of System from registered company & his authorized dealer for farmers. 3.Active participation of Panchayati Raj Institution. 4.Maintenance/Warranty by manufacturing company after purchasing of system for 3 years. 42
TARGET & ACHIEVEMENT UNDER MICRO IRRIGATION to (Upto August 08) Component PhysicalFinancial TargetAchieve.ProvisionExpenditure GOIStateTotalGOI StateTotal Drips Sprinklers Drips Demo Total (Phy. in Hect./Fin. in lakh) 43