Trine Christiansen(EEA) Neil Holdsworth (ICES and ETC/ICM) Regional and EU level data streams for D5 and D8 WG-DIKE, 30 September 2014 1.


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Presentation transcript:

Trine Christiansen(EEA) Neil Holdsworth (ICES and ETC/ICM) Regional and EU level data streams for D5 and D8 WG-DIKE, 30 September

Reporting streams defined as part of a chain: Monitoring, Data, Indicators, Assessment, Knowledge Integrate Reflect Structure (D) Data (I) Indicators (A) Assessments MSFD art 20 assessment (K) Knowledge Interpret (K) Knowledge (M) Monitoring

MSFD reporting Agreed under the common implementation strategy of the MSFD RSC “Roof Reports” National Reports EU summary report EEA SoER Article 19.3 data flow National databases

For D5, D8/D9 operational data flow: >40% of CPs reporting to the RSC

Workshop objectives A clear understanding of which data streams are in place within the RSC and EU at present and how they work; An equally clear understanding of which data streams needed for D5 and D8 indicators that are not in place, and how and when MS see these data streams being established; Reflections on criteria for operational set-up in the future. Answer the question of whether this will be a useful model for future workshops? – what could be changed?

Multiple reporting streams in place to support Descriptor 5 MSFD D5+D8 OSPAR (CEMP) HELCOM (COMBINE) UNEP/MAPBSC WISE-SoE (WFD)

Eionet CDR Country folders TCM ETC data in Eionet ETC format ICES DOME Data on contaminants TCM SoER dataset Collective dataset from this year QC marking and duplicate checking by ETC Feedback on QC by ETC based on the Eionet DD and QC- procedures National/regional databases Overview of the data flows supporting the WISE-SoE data EIONET/ICES TCM Data on contaminants and nutrients ICES Oceanographic database Data on nutrients QC screening of data Feedback on QC by EEA Feedback on QC by ICES based on the requirements and QC-procedures of the various monitoring programmes (COMBINE, CEMP etc.) and assessments e.g. OSPAR MIME

Analysis of D5 IndicatorHELCOMOSPAR UNEP/MAP MEDPOL Black SeaEIONET 5.1.1: Nutrients concentration in the water column 6/87/102/82/219/ : Chlorophyll concentration in the water column 7/87/101/82/218/ : Water transparency 5/81/1002/27/ : Abundance of opportunistic macroalgae : Species shift in floristic composition 4/8002/ : Abundance of perennial seaweeds and seagrasses 0002/ Dissolved oxygen6/87/1002/216/23 Nutrient loads8/87/10000 Atmospheric deposition Based on NILU models 000 Access rightsNo restrictions restricted No restrictions ProgrammeCombine/PLCCEMP/RIDMEDPOLBSIMAPWISE-SoE Data holderICES/SYKEICES/ODIMSMEDPOLBSIMAPEEA/waterbase

HELCOMOSPAR UNEP/Map (Medpol) Black SeaEIONET WaterNone Metals and metalloids Organochlorines PAHs Chlorobiphenyls Cyclodienes DDTs Metals and metalloids Organochlorines PAHs SedimentMetals and metalloids Chlorobiphenyls Metals and metalloids PAHs Cyclodienes DDTs Hexachloro- cyclohexanes Metals and metalloids Chlorobiphenyls Cyclodienes DDTs Hexachloro- cyclohexanes Metals and metalloids Organo-chlorine PAHs Biota DDTs Hexachloro- cyclohexanes Metals and metalloids Organochlorines DDTs Hexachloro- cyclohexanes Metals and metalloids Organobromines Organochlorines Organometallic compounds PAHs Hexachloro- cyclohexanes Metals and metalloids None Chlorobiphenyls Cyclodienes DDTs Hexachloro- cyclohexanes Metals and metalloids Organochlorines PAHs Loads ?Metals, HCH and PCBs Multiple substances in point sources ? None Access rightsNo restrictionsNo restrictionRestricted No restrictions Occurrence, origin, and extent of oil spills Number of spills Illegal discharges Amount released Number of spills Amount released Number of spills None

TG DATA conclusions There is already considerable experience with exchange of information from national to regional and to EU level. In some cases a (like for D5 and D8) a subset of observations are reported to the regional level in support of indicators calculated by RSCs. Although reporting takes place on 21 different ICES chemical groups, only a maximum of 7 groups are common within a region. In other cases data products/indicators are provided by an agreed source (like an RSC working group) to the regional level. MS are generally satisfied with the systems that are in place for OSPAR and HELCOM, and the unrestricted access to data provides for a mechanism to reuse the same data in different context; This is not possible for UNEP/MAP and the Black Sea because access is restricted. However, some of these countries support the EU level by reporting through the Eionet.

Decentralised reporting At present most observations are at national data bases, and are ‘pushed’ (reported) to regional data bases. In the future it might be better to move towards a ‘pull’ system where some MS would like to operate incorporating the following principles: – communication should go from MS to RSC and then to EU level – report once, use many times principle It was agreed that TG DATA has an important role to play in the shaping of the future architecture of the European marine data systems. The JRC Marine INSPIRE project was found a helpful initiative.

Next steps Biodiversity workshop was postponed because issues were not sufficiently clear. OSPAR COBAM and Helcom CORESET have been approached and we are looking at possibility of preparatory expert meeting. – Requirements for reporting of proposed indicators – benefits of using different platforms like Emodnet or the EEA system. Other suggestions? – Link to reporting under HD art 17

More steps Mapping of data flows for specific indicators to identify the production process and who does what; It needs to be agreed what will be shared, who will publish and how often updates will take place. Selection of which indicators will be based on outcomes of RSC information and data project.

Developing WISE-Marine Principles of SEIS Partnership with Regional Sea Conventions Sharing data and information

WISE-Marine landing page (ENV) State of the marine environment (EEA) Policy (ENV)Data (EEA) Marine Competence Center (JRC)

WISE-Marine landing page (ENV) Data (EEA) Data products (information shown) Indicators (based on art 19.3, HOPE indicators based on 19.3 and EMODnet) Assessment tools Data services (e.g. EMODNET) Reference layers and MSFD maps MS reported data (inputs to WISE-M) MSFD Art 8, 9 and 10 MSFD Art 13 MSFD Art 11 MSFD Art 19.3 (RSC data?) WISE SOE (TCM)