Pre-PDR Peer Review 1 UCB MAVEN Particles and Fields Flight Software Peer Review Requirements Definition Peter R. Harvey May 12, 2010.


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Presentation transcript:

Pre-PDR Peer Review 1 UCB MAVEN Particles and Fields Flight Software Peer Review Requirements Definition Peter R. Harvey May 12, 2010

Pre-PDR Peer Review 2 UCB Agenda Requirements Definition Baseline Software Requirements Specification (SRS) Rev C Requirements Traceability Matrix (in SRS) Software Documentation Tree Requirements Partitioning for Phased Delivery (Build Plan) Testing Requirements

Pre-PDR Peer Review 3 UCB General Requirements

Pre-PDR Peer Review 4 UCB Boot Requirements

Pre-PDR Peer Review 5 UCB Boot Requirements

Pre-PDR Peer Review 6 UCB Operational Requirements

Pre-PDR Peer Review 7 UCB Operational Requirements

Pre-PDR Peer Review 8 UCB Operational Requirements

Pre-PDR Peer Review 9 UCB Operational Requirements

Pre-PDR Peer Review 10 UCB Operational Requirements

Pre-PDR Peer Review 11 UCB Operational Requirements

Pre-PDR Peer Review 12 UCB Operational Requirements

Pre-PDR Peer Review 13 UCB Operational Requirements

Pre-PDR Peer Review 14 UCB Operational Requirements

Pre-PDR Peer Review 15 UCB Operational Requirements

Pre-PDR Peer Review 16 UCB STATIC Requirements

Pre-PDR Peer Review 17 UCB STATIC Requirements

Pre-PDR Peer Review 18 UCB STATIC Requirements

Pre-PDR Peer Review 19 UCB STATIC Requirements

Pre-PDR Peer Review 20 UCB SWEA Requirements

Pre-PDR Peer Review 21 UCB SWEA Requirements

Pre-PDR Peer Review 22 UCB SWEA Requirements

Pre-PDR Peer Review 23 UCB SWIA Requirements

Pre-PDR Peer Review 24 UCB SWIA Requirements

Pre-PDR Peer Review 25 UCB SWIA Requirements

Pre-PDR Peer Review 26 UCB SWIA Requirements

Pre-PDR Peer Review 27 UCB SWIA Requirements

Pre-PDR Peer Review 28 UCB SEP Requirements

Pre-PDR Peer Review 29 UCB SEP Requirements

Pre-PDR Peer Review 30 UCB MAG Requirements

Pre-PDR Peer Review 31 UCB LPW Requirements

Pre-PDR Peer Review 32 UCB Document Tree Management Plans/Standards MAVEN-PM-RQMT-0006 (Mission Assurance Requirements) MAVEN-PM-PLAN-0021 (System Review Plan) MAVEN-SYS-PLAN-0020 (Software Management Plan) MAVEN-SYS-PLAN-0032 (Eng Peer Review Plan) NPR_ (Software Engineering Standard) NASA-STD (Software Documentation Standard) NASA-STD /1 (Software Quality Standard) NASA-STD-8715 (Software Safety) GSFC-STD-1000e (Gold Rules) MAVEN_PF_QA_002A_UCB_MAIP MAVEN_PF_SYS_009A_SEMP MAVEN_PF_SYS_011_CMP MAVEN_PF_SYS_012_RMP MAVEN_PF_SYS_006B_GoldRuleCompliance MAVEN_PF_SYS_008_PFDPUFlightSoftwareDevelopmentPlan

Pre-PDR Peer Review 33 UCB Document Tree Requirements/Specifications MAVEN-PFIS-RQMT-0016B.xls (Level 3) MAVEN_PF_SYS_010_FSWRequirements.xls (Level 4) MAVEN-SC-ICD-0007 (Spacecraft ICD) MAVEN_PF_SYS_004 (PF to Instruments ICD) MAVEN_PF_PFDPU_001C_DCB_Specification.doc MAVEN-PF-LPW-001E-Requirements_DOORS_Export.xlsx TBD - LPW ICD detailing commands & telemetry MAVEN Magnetometer Instrument Interface 7-April-2010.pdf MAVEN-PF-SEP-001a_Specifications.xls TBD - SEP FPGA Specification MAVEN-PF-STATIC-001A-Requirements_&_Specifications.xls MAVEN_PF_STATIC_012F_FPGA_Specification.pdf MAVEN-PF-SWEA-002_Requirements.xls MAVEN_PF_SWEA_012A_FPGA_Specification.pdf MAVEN-PF-SWIA-001g_Requirements.xls MAVEN_PF_SWIA_012B_FPGA_Specification.pdf

Pre-PDR Peer Review 34 UCB Document Tree Software Documents/Reports Preliminary plan MAVEN_PF_FSW_002_SRS (Software Requirements Specification) MAVEN_PF_FSW_003_SDD (Software Data Dictionary) MAVEN_PF_FSW_004_SAD (Software Architecture) MAVEN_PF_FSW_005_SID (Software Interface Design) MAVEN_PF_FSW_006_STP (Software Test Plan) MAVEN_PF_FSW_007_SUM (Software Users Manual) MAVEN_PF_FSW_008_SMP (Software Maintenance Plan) MAVEN_PF_FSW_009_SRD (Software Risk Database) MAVEN_PF_FSW_MPR_YYMM (Monthly Progress Report inc/ Metrics) MAVEN_PF_FSW_SVD_XXX (Software Version Descriptor) MAVEN_PF_FSW_STR_XXX_YYMMDD (Software Test Report) MAVEN_PF_FSW_SIR_XXX_YYMMDD (Software Inspection Report) MAVEN_PF_FSW_SCR_NNN (Software Change Request) MAVEN_PF_FSW_SPR_NNN (Software Problem Report) Review Packages (SwRR, SwPDR, SwCDR, SwATRR, SwAR) Sw Design Peer Review Packages (periodic) Sw Code Walkthrus (prior to each build delivery) PF Fault Management Design Peer Review (iCDR+90d) Test Procedures, GSE Display Definitions, Command & Telemetry Database files

Pre-PDR Peer Review 35 UCB Build Plan Software Products Boot FSW (PROM) Operational FSW (EEPROM) Generally developed in phases

Pre-PDR Peer Review 36 UCB Test Requirements Test Platform : ETU Data Controller Board Initially ETU PFDPU when available Test Equipment: GSE PC GSEOS Software Spacecraft Simulation Instrument Simulation (w/ Good and Bad Data Sets) Logic Analyser Digital Scope Data Storage: All instrument data and housekeeping Command/Event logs Network access