Project title: Addressing Barriers on Policy Implementation and Institutional Integration for Enhanced Rainwater Management in the Abbay Basin, Ethiopia NBDC Regional Stakeholder Dialogue, Bahir Dar, July 2013 Papyrus Hotel Group 3
Rationale There has been analyses on the challenges of the rainwater management in Ethiopia. Of these challenges identified the following were found important: Lack of policy implementation Poor institutional integration Lack of knowledge and skills at all level Shortage of resources Therefore, improvement on one or the combination of the mentioned challenges is believed to enhance much on the RWM problems
Objectives of the project The overall goal of the project is to enhance RWM/NRM by working on barriers such as policy implementation shortfalls, institutional integrations and improving capacity of the implementing actors The specific objectives include: 1.Solving barriers on policy implementation in RWM/NRM 2.Improving institutional integration and arrangements 3.Improving capacity of the implementing agencies in RWM/NRM 4.Enhancing the learning process
Approaches of the project In addressing the project objectives, the following approaches will be followed; 1.Reviewing on policy implementation and institutional integration gaps 2.Undertaking stakeholders’ dialogue workshops 3.Piloting the implementation of all the changes made on policy implementation, institutional arrangement, and related barriers at representative watersheds in the Nile Basin regions 4.Undertaking M&E and impact assessment studies
Main activities 1.Undertaking critical reviews on barriers of policy implementation, institutional integration and related problems 2.Undertaking stakeholders’ dialogue workshops on identifying solutions for the barriers on policy implementation, institutional integration and other related capacity problems 3.Selecting three representative piloting watersheds in the three Nile Basin regions and analyzing biophysical baseline information 4.Implementing all the new interventions in policy, institutions and other capacity related barriers in the pilot watersheds 5.Undertaking M&E and impact assessment studies to gauge changes as a result of interventions and enhance the learning process 6.Conducting capacity building training, experience sharing visits
Project outcomes Enhanced RWM system will be in place that ensures better livelihoods of communities in the Nile Basin Enhanced RWM system will be in place that ensures better ecosystem services It also ensures a harmonious use of the Nile water between its upstream and downstream users
Key stakeholders & beneficiaries Key Stakeholders Federal and Regional institutions dedicated on the research & development on water, land and agriculture (Ministries, Bureaus, research & educations, etc.) NGOs, international institutions and CBOs Local communities Beneficiaries Local communities Government institutions working at various hydropower, irrigation schemes and the Great Renaissance Dam (GRD) of Ethiopia Downstream riparian areas
M&E and Learning The M&E activities will include the detail investigation against; The proper implementation of the changes made in the policy implementation modality, institutional integration and other capacity related barriers The baseline information of biophysical resources at pilot watersheds The changes on the capacity development at the different levels from national to community level in the Nile Basin regions Knowledge & experiences shared, share responsibility and communication among key actors
Communication strategy The project will use the following communication means Regularly held stakeholders' dialogue workshop (platform) Establishing a webpage for wider communication Policy briefs and newsletter Proceedings and periodicals Quarterly report and Progress report
Budget requirement No.Activity/ item Budget requirement (USD) 1 Undertaking reviews on policy and institutions and identifying barriers on the sustainable RWM 50,000 2Undertaking stakeholders’ dialogue workshops150,000 3 Collecting biophysical baseline information at three representative watersheds in the Abbay Basin 50,000 4 Implementing changes on policy implementation, institutional integration, capacity building and related barriers in the pilot watersheds 300,000 5Undertake M&E and impact assessment studies150,000 6 Conducting capacity building training and experience sharing visits 150,000 7Knowledge management50,000 Total budget (USD)1,000,000 Project duration: 3 years