contents Meaning of communication Definitions Ten level of intimacy in today’s communication Characteristics Elements
Meaning The term ‘communication’ is derived from the Latin word ‘communis’ which means common. Communication may be defined as exchange of facts,ideas,opinions or emotions between two or more persons to create mutual understanding. Communication takes place when one transfers information and understanding to another person.
Definitions “Any behaviour that results in an exchange of meaning.” -The American Manangement Association “Communication is a way that one organisation member shares meaning and understanding from one person to another.” -Keith Davis
Ten level of intimacy in today’s communication
Production department Characteristics Pervasive function Marketing department Production department Finance department Top management Middle management Supervisory management
Response to that message Two-way process Sending of a message Response to that message
Two or more parties Sender-with the message Receiver-must understand & response to message
Several forms Oral words Written words Pictures Gestures
To motivate a Response Proper timing of communication Primary purpose Good drafting of message Proper timing of communication
May be formal or informal Formal Informal Managing director Finance manager Deputy finance manager Accounts officer General manager Superintendents Managing director Foremen
Communication channel Elements Communicator Communicatee Message Communication channel Response or Feedback
Communication channel Response $ Feedback
Process of communication- sender ideas channel receiver Feed-back
Importance of Communication
Communication is one of the most important functions of management Communication is the nerve system of an enterprise Communication is indispensable for all managerial activities such as organising ,planning ,directing, motivating and controlling.
Importance is as follows- Smooth and efficient working of an organization Facilitates co-ordination Increases managerial efficiency Promotes co-operation and industrial peace Helps in establishing effective leadership Boosts Motivation and morale
Basis of Decision Making and Planning Increases managerial capacity Facilitates effective control Job satisfaction Increases Productivity and Reduces Cost Good public relations
COMMUNICATION Communication can be defined as the process by which people share ideas, experience, knowledge and feelings through the transmission of symbolic messages.
TYPES OF COMMUNICATION Communication can be classified into following types- On the basis of Relationship 1.FORMAL AND INFORMAL On the basis of Flow of direction 2.DOWNWARD AND UPWARD 3. HORIZONTAL AND DIAGONAL On the basis of Media or Expression 3. ORAL AND GESTURAL
A. On the Basis of Relationship or Organisational Structure 1. Formal Communication
ADVANTAGES Orderly and Systematic Fixing Responsibility Tracing of Source No Distortion of message Facilitates Functions Follows Chain of Command
Disadvantages Slow Moving Process Lack of personal Environment Chances of Not Providing Accurate Information Upward Communication may be Distorted
INFORMAL COMMUNICATION This type of communication happens out side of the business or corporate community or between freely understanding parties.
Advantages Serves Social Needs Feedback for important policy Discussing other matters Helpful in Improving Policies Strengthens Formal Channels
May carry in-accurate information No Responsibility fixing Disadvantages May carry in-accurate information No Responsibility fixing Chances of leakage Rumors
B. On the basis of flow or direction Downward Communication
2. Upward Communication
3. Horizontal, Lateral or Sideway Communication
4. Diagonal Communication
C. On the basis of Media or Expression Written Communication
Advantages of written Communication Transmission of Information in uniform manner Permanent record of information Ideal way of Transmitting lengthy messages Exchanging information at distant places even beyond telephonic range
Disadvantages of Written Communication Expensive Time consuming Difficult to maintain Secrecy Lacks Personal Touch Encourages red-Tapism
2. Oral Communication
Advantages of Oral Communication Less Expensive Saves time More Effective than written communication Establishes a personal touch Misunderstanding or doubts can be removed then and there
Disadvantages of Oral Communication Less Reliable Influenced by self interest Tendency of being distorted Not suitable for lengthy messages Language problem No record for future
GESTURAL OR NON-VERBAL COMMUNICATION Gestural Communication includes everything that may be used to convey meaning from one person to another.
Effective communication creates favorable environment among the various people working in the enterprise which results in establishment of industrial peace but if The information sent by the sender is received by the receiver in the opposite sense then it proves to be a barrier in communication.
Types of Barriers (1) Semantic Barriers (2) Psychological or emotional barriers (3) Organizational Barriers (4) Personal Barriers
Semantic Barriers The words signs and figures used in the communication are explained by the receiver in the light of his experience which creates doubtful situations this happens because the information is not sent in simple language. (1) Badly Expressed Message (2) Symbols or Words with different Meanings (3) Faulty Translation (4) Unclarified Assumptions (5) Technical Jargon (6) Body language and Gesture Decoding
Psychological or Emotional Barriers Communication depends on the mental condition of both the parties. A mentally disturbed party can be a hindrance in communication. (1) Premature Evaluation (2) Lack of Attention (3) Loss by Transmission and Poor Retention (4) Distrust
Organizational Barriers (1) Organizational Policies (2) Rules and Regulations (3) Status (4) Complexity in Organizational Structure (5) Organizational Facilities
Personal Barriers (a) Barriers Related to Superiors (1) Fear of Challenge of Authority (2) Lack of Confidence in Subordinates (b) Barriers Related to Subordinates (1) Unwillingness to Communicate (2) Lack of Proper Incentive
steps to Overcome Barriers in Communication
It is essential to remove the barriers in the way of communication keeping in view the importance of communication in a business organization. If these barriers are not removed the enterprise will be deprived of the advantages of communication.
Steps to overcome barriers- (1) Clarity of Ideas (2) Completeness of message (3) Understanding the Receiver (4) Consistency of Message (5) Feedback (6) Selection of Proper Channel (7) Qualities of Good Listener (8) Simple Organizational Structure
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