Constructing a questionnaire Deciding type, writing a draft, pretesting, concluding with specific procedures. STEPS: 1.Decide what information should be sought 2.Decide what type of questionnaire should be used 3.Write a first draft of the questionnaire 4.Reconsider and revise the questionnaire 5.Pretest the questionnaire 6.Edit the questionnaire and specify the procedures for its use.
WORDINGS OF THE QUESTIONNAIRE: Simplicity in language Avoid vagueness Avoid unclear words Avoid embarrassing questions Avoid double negatives Avoid most important questions Presuming questions Hypothetical questions
INTRODUCTION TO RESEARCH REPORT This is the last step in research process. And requires a set of skills some what different from those called for in respect of the earlier stages of research. The researcher should follow the main principal of writing a report and these principal are:- I.There should be objectivity, clarity in the presentation of ideas. II.Report should be written in a brief and objective style in simple language avoiding unclear expressions. III.Charts and illustrations in the main report should be used only if they present the information more clearly. IV.Calculated confidence limits must be mentioned and the various limitations experienced in conducting research operation may as well be stated.
SIGNIFICANCE OF WRITING RESEARCH REPORT Research report is considered a major component of the research study for the research task remains incomplete till the report has been presented. As a matter of fact even the most brilliant hypothesis highly well designed and conducted research study and the most outstanding generalizations and findings are of little value unless they are effectively communicated to others. It means that the purpose of research is not well served unless the findings are made known to others.
LAYOUT OF REPORT The Preliminary Pages The Main Text The End Matter
THE PRELIMINARY PAGES In its preliminary pages, the report should carry title and date followed by acknowledgement and foreword then. There should be a table of contents followed by a list of tables and list of graphs and charts if any given in the report.
THE MAIN TEXT The main text of the report should have following parts:- a)INTRODUCTION:- It should contain a clear statement of the objective of the research and an explanation of the methodology adopted in accomplishing the research. b)SUMMARY OF FINDINGS :- A statement of findings and recommendation in non technical language should be there after introduction. c)MAIN REPORT:- The main body of the report should be presented in logical sequence and sections. d)CONCLUSION:- At the end of the main text, result of the research should be put clearly and precisely.
THE END MATTER At the end of the report, appendices should be enlisted in respect of all technical data. References, i.e list of books, journals, reports etc, consulted, should also be given in the end. Index should also be given specially in a published research report. It means that the researcher should again put down the results of his research clearly and exactly. In fact, it is the final summing up.
STEPS IN WRITING RESEARCH REPORT LOGICAL ANALYSIS OF THE SUBJECT MATTER It is the first step which is primarily concerned with the development of a subject and there are two ways in which to develop a subject PREPARATION OF THE FINAL OUTLINE Outlines are the framework upon which long written works are constructed. They are an aid to the logical organizations of the material and a reminder of the points to be stressed in the report. PREPARATION OF THE ROUGH DRAFT This step is of utmost importance for the now sits to write down what has done in the context of research study.
REWRITING AND POLISHING OF THE ROUGH DRAFT In this the researcher should give due attention to the fact that in his rough draft has been consistent or not. It should check the mechanics of writing grammar, spelling and usage. PREPARATION OF THE FINAL BIBLIOGRAPHY The bibliography which is generally appended to the research report is a list of books in some way pertinent to the research which has been done.
Last step in writing research report WRITING THE FINAL DRAFT This constitutes the last step. The final draft should be written in a brief and objective style and in simple language, avoiding unclear expressions such as “it seems”, “there may be” etc. A research report should not be dull but must motivate people and maintain interest and must show originality. It must be remembered that every report should be an attempt to solve some intellectual problem and must contribute to the solution of a problem and must add to the knowledge of both the researcher and the reader.
R eferences All those works which the researcher has consulted the first part may contain the names of the books and pamphlets and the second part may contain the names of magazines and newspapers articles generally this part of references is considered convenient and satisfactory from the point of view of reader.