CONVERSATIONAL LANGUAGE. CONVERSATION  Interactive and spontaneous communication between 2 or more people  Natural give and take of topics  Most people.


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Presentation transcript:


CONVERSATION  Interactive and spontaneous communication between 2 or more people  Natural give and take of topics  Most people find it pleasant and like the company to pass time

CONVERSATION  Affects every other sort of behavior in which we engage: Personal relations Efforts in the workplace Initial impressions

ELEMENTS OF CONVERSATION  Discussion -- sharing opinions on subjects that are thought of during the conversation. The subject usually changes before discussion becomes dispute  Subject – conversations based on their content (often a combination) Ideas Objective facts Other people (usually absent) Conversations about oneself  Functions – conveys information to achieve a goal Small talk Banter

POLITE CONVERSATION  Conversations follow rules of etiquette  Conversations are social interactions, and depend on social convention  Failure to follow the rules ends the conversation  Awkward turtle.

HOW TO MAKE POLITE CONVERSATION  Step 1: Think of a topic. What will you talk about today? Every conversation has a subject, or topic.  Some of the popular conversation topics are; music; opinions; "Have you ever...?" sentence starters and topics; shopping; clothes; sports; television and movies, school, celebrities.

HOW TO MAKE POLITE CONVERSATION  Step 2: Start off your conversation with something interesting. Ask a question Be brave!  Step 3: Actively Listen Give them your full attention Don't let your eyes wander

HOW TO MAKE POLITE CONVERSATION  Step 4: Do not interrupt them. Listen to what they have to say! Don’t just think about what you want to say next Listen to where the conversation is moving  Step 5: Answer in detail Yes and no are boring and don’t promote conversation Give your opinion on a subject and analysis and evidence We often avoid talking about ourselves, but the other person WANTS to know

CONVERSATION STARTERS  Books  Movies  Television Shows  School, education  Travel  Family  Puppies

TOPICS TO AVOID  Politics  Religion  Money  Uncomfortable topics (dating)  Inappropriate Humor

AWKWARD SILENCE  Uncomfortable pause in a conversation or presentation  Associated with feelings of anxiety as the participants feel pressure to speak but are unsure what to say next  Remedies: Summarize what was said and thank them for their contributions Conversation pieces (artwork, music, etc.) Ice breakers How about them Bears? Nice weather, eh? Puppies

LET’S TRY IT!  Brainstorm conversation topics and/or questions to ask  Don’t just talk to your friends!