Ministry of Education Kurdistan Region Government
Mission Established after 1992 parliament election, ministry of education works on improving the quality of teaching in the region. Constructing new schools and renovating the old ones. Training and recruiting new teachers in different fields. Providing teaching materials, like printing books.
Mission-cont. Constantly revising teaching materials. Training for new teaching methods. Preparing students for new roles.
Minister Director General of Administration Personnel AffairsFinancial Affairs Director General of Sport and Art ArtSportCurricular ActivitiesScouting Director General of Planning and Curriculum Information TechnologyPlanningStatisticsEngineering Director General of Turkman Education Director General of Assyrian Education Director General of Kindergartens and Elementary Education KindergartensElemenatryElimination of Illiteracy Director General of High Schools and Technical Education High SchoolsTechnical Deputy MinisterConsultants
Current Situation Saddam’s regime destroyed more than 4,500 villages in Kurdistan. The villagers were moved into new heavily crowded settlement towns. Many schools were used as military bases and are desperately in need of renovation. Many refugees are returning back to Kurdistan from abroad. Many Internally Displaced People are going back to their villages.
Current Situation-cont. More than 34% of people are illiterate. More than 30% of villages are without school. Many teachers need refreshment courses.
Constrains Budgetary deficit. Lack of well trained manpower in all aspects is another obstacles. Poor infrastructure both in education and other sectors reduces the efficiency of the system.
Vision for Future British MacMillan Publisher is working on development of new English courses starting from the first elementary grade. An undertaking to lower the illiteracy rate below 10% in a 5 year plan, starting since The Koreans are helping the ministry to construct some new schools. The Americans are helping the ministry to develop new curriculums, especially for the civil society materials.
Vision for the Future-cont. Trainings and capacity building for the manpower who takes the responsibility. Working to reverse the problem of “inequity”. Developing new specialties and acquiring new knowledge to provide more specialized services that are not present in the region. Focusing more on Continuing Professional Education. Working more closely with the information technology to enhance the public awareness.
Spas Thank you Gamsaha-mnida