Elementary Matter
Define Matter Matter is everything around you, and is anything formed with atoms and molecules or that possess mass. Mass can be defined as how much there is of an object and is related to how much something weighs. Objects that take up space and have mass are called matter. You are matter.
Define Mass Anything that is matter has a mass, even though it may be very small, because matter can be small or large. Mass is measured in grams. Show that matter is everything around you, ask the kids to give examples of large matter and small matter.
Define Volume Volume is the amount of space an object occupies. Density is the relationship of mass to volume. It is defined as the mass of a substance per unit volume.
Physical Properties Physical properties include density, mass and volume. They are properties you can use your senses to find. Give example such as orange, ask for physical properties of an orange. Properties include: color, shape, mass, volume, smell, and density.
Chemical Properties Properties that can only be observed by changing the identity of a substance. For example, if you burn a piece of paper the paper lights and then turns to ash, you cannot change the paper back to paper. This means that chemical change is irreversible.
Physical Change Physical change is a change in the physical properties of a substance. For example a change in state like that of an ice cube that melts. Physical change is reversible, because after a change in state the chemical properties remain the same.
Chemical Change Chemical changes are changing substances into other substances. An example would be the spoiling of milk or burning toast, these processes are irreversible and change the chemical properties of the original substance.