Ghost in the Wires Kevin Mitnick 2012 Heather Sliwoski CS408-03
Kevin Mitnick
Early Years Raised by a single mom in California in the 1970s. First “hack” was to get free bus fares. –Dug through the dumpster at the bus depot and obtained discarded bus transfer tickets. –“Social engineered” a bus driver to give him information about his hole punch. –Purchased an exact replica of the hole punch, and had free bus fares for years.
Phone Phreaking
Criminal? Kevin quickly became addicted to phone phreaking and hacking. –He found entertainment in hacking into phone companies, and then later, tech companies. Kevin got caught hacking many times. –First time: probation –Second time: juvenile detention –Third time: went on the run!
Life on the Run Left California Spent time in Las Vegas with family Social Engineered new identities in North Dakota Joins the FBI Most Wanted List Moved to Denver –Feds started catching up Moved to Seattle –Feds started catching up
Arrested in Raleigh, NC in Held in various federal prisons for 4 years prior to his trial. –Why? “The Myth of Kevin Mitnick” Sentenced to 68 months in prison –When he was released he was forbidden to use ANY technology, including a land-line phone.
The Myth of Kevin Mitnick Because hacking was new and misunderstood, there were many rumors about the crimes Kevin had committed or could commit, including: –Whistling nuclear launch codes –Wiretapping the FBI and California DMV
Ethics No one was harmed as a result of Kevin’s hacking. Kevin did not financially profit from any of his hacking. His social engineering may have been unkind, but it was not illegal. The ethics of this situation are up to each of us to decide.
Where is he now?
Runs Mitnick Security, a computer security consulting firm. –He is contracted to find security flaws in corporate networks. –He still gets to hack, but has become a white- hat hacker. Does speaking engagements where he talks about the importance of computer security, and how to avoid hacks.