Animal Adaptations
Record anything in blue in your science notebook… CO: I can develop an understanding of how the behavioral (act) and physical (look) characteristics of animals help them to survive in their environments through careful observation of various species.
Skip a line under your content objective and write this question What do you think the word “adapt” means? Discuss your answer in your group… Possible Answer: To change or fix in
Skip another line… How do humans adapt to different types of weather in their environment? Brainstorm answers in your group but do not write down anything just yet.
Possible Ideas Summer Adaptations: –Short sleeves –Sun tan lotion Winter Adaptations: –Coats –Scarves –Mittens –Boots
“Alaska is home to many animals, including the snowshoe hare. You might think this hare is a little strange. Its fur color changes from brown in the summer.” pg. A104 How does changing its fur color help the snowshoe hare to survive?
Time to get some textbooks Open up to pg. A106 What is the heading? What vocabulary word is on the page? What does the caption tell you? How many illustrations are there?
Taking Outline Notes You will be tested on this…so write neatly I.Animals Adapt A.Adaptations=traits that help animals survive B.Adaptations protect animals from predators i.Predators eat other animals C.Animals can learn to avoid danger i.Yellow and black coloring=stung D.Mimicry i.Looking like something dangerous ii.Syphoid fly looks like a yellow jacket to scare predators
Continue Outline Notes i.Viceroy butterfly looks like a Monarch because they taste bad to birds ii.Animals avoid plants with thorns and thornbugs Why mimicry a good adaptation for an animal to have? Brainstorm with your table group
Possible Answer By mimicking something that predators avoid an animal has a better chance of not being eaten. Tastes nasty to birds! Tastes good but looks like it would taste bad.
II. Camoflage A. Like being invisible B. Camouflage i. An adaptation that makes an animal look like its surroundings C. Shape Camouflage i. Butterfly looks like a leaf D. Color Camouflage i. Light moths and dark moths ii. Protective coloration: an animal’s color protects it from predators
How does camouflage help an animal survive? Brainstorm with your group to come up with an answer.
By blending into its surrounding-being camouflaged-an animal is difficult for a predator to see.
Read pg. A110
Outline Notes III. What is Inherited? A. Some behaviors are learned i. Avoid bad tasting insects ii. Cats get hungry when they hears the can opener B. Inherited Behaviors (Instincts) i. Birds build the nests of their parents ii. Heredity is the passing of traits from parents to offspring
C. Inherited Physical Traits i. Shape of bird’s beak and feet ii. Color of a bird’s feathers D. Non-Inherited Physical Traits i. Animal’s weight ii. Animal’s size iii. Elephants are inherently bigger than mice, but some mice are bigger than others because they eat more.