Volcanoes 2
Shield Volcanoes: broad at the base with gently sloping sides Form from: quiet eruptions Example: Hawaiian Islands Types of Volcanoes
Mauna kea, Hawaii
Medicine lake, California
Cinder Cone Volcanoes: very steep sloping sides Form from explosive, pyroclastic eruptions Types of Volcanoes
Capulin mountain, new Mexico
Caja del Rio, New Mexico
Sunset Crater, Arizona
Lava Butte, Oregon
Composite Volcanoes: mountains made of alternating layers of hardened lava and sediment Also known as stratovolcanoes Usually become very large volcanic mountains Types of Volcanoes
Mt. Saint Helens, Washington
Mt. Fuji, Japan
Mt. Vesuvius, Italy
Mt. vesuvius Casts of pumice ash
Crater: a funnel-shaped pit at the top of a volcano Cont. How Volcanoes Form
Caldera: A Large basin- shaped depressions that formed when a magma chamber empties and the volcano collapses into it Calderas
Yellowstone Caldera
Yellowstone – Over a hot spot in Earth’s mantle and could have a massive eruption
Crater Lake, Oregon
Increases in earthquake activity Pressure from magma on the overlying rock changes the rock temperature The surface of volcano may bulge upward Predicting Volcanic Eruptions
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