Volcanic Eruptions 11/4/15 9-1/9-2 pgs IN: What is a volcano? Put your Vocab Sheet on the books
Volcano A mountain that forms when molten rock, called magma, is forced to the Earth’s surface.
Inside a Volcano
Volcanic Eruptions Two kinds: Nonexplosive Explosive
Nonexplosive Volcano Lava flows come from nonexplosive eruption.
What is difference between lava and magma? Magma is inside the Earth. Lava is on the Earth’s Surface.
Explosive Volcano Clouds of hot debris and gases shoot out from the volcano often at supersonic speeds.
Pyroclastic Material Rock fragments created by explosive volcanic eruptions.
3 Types of Volcanoes Shield volcanoes Cinder cone volcanoes Composite volcanoes
Shield Volcanoes Built out of layers of lava from repeated nonexplosive eruptions.
Hawaiian Islands
Cinder Cone Volcanoes Small volcanic cones made entirely of pyroclastic material (explosive).
Sunset Crater – Flagstaff, AZ
Composite Stratovolcanoes Form by explosive eruptions of pyroclastic material followed by quieter outpourings of lava. Most common.
Mt. Fuji - Japan
Mt. St. Helens – Washington State
OUT: Is a nonexplosive volcanic eruption more likely to produce lava or pyroclastic material? Explain. Glue in the diagram
Composite Volcano Shield Volcano Cinder Cone Volcano