We will be talking about Mount. Saint Helens and the impact that it had on the environment when it erupted about 25 years ago.
Concept One How are volcanoes formed? Volcanoes are formed when two tectonic plates meet and shift, creating a gap in the earth’s crust, exposing deeper layers of the earth. Molten lava erupts from them because of all the buil t up pressure.
Concept Two Where is it? Mount St. Helens is located in Washington, U.S.A, 96 miles from Seattle.
Concept Three When did it erupt? The volcano is still active to this day, but we will be talking about one of the recent eruptions, which was in 1980.
Negative Impacts Some of the negative impacts would be how much damage the eruption caused. In total there were 57 deaths, plus all the surrounding land was destroyed.
Positive Impacts Years after the eruption that destroyed the area around it, new plants will start to grow strong and healthy because the old dead plants decompose and form great soil where new life forms can flourish
We learned about the active volcano Mount St. Helens and how it affected the world around it after erupting in 1980 in Washington. Though there was a lot of negative things that came from it, so did many good things.