The Best Web2.0 Technology Applications Randy J. Malta, 2 nd Life: Rando Mazi
What is Web2.0? Web2.0 are online web resources that don’t use a lot of your computer resources. Content is king and you are king because you develop the content. Students contribute by creating content. Constructivist - actively engaged in learning
1. Timelines
2. Photo Sharing
flickr – Creative Commons- Photo Edit tools - Picnik - find flickr pictures and edit Photosharing video by Lee Lefever
3. Photo Resizing
4. Live Classroom Polling (Free Clicker) Polleverywhere Live Audience Polling Ask your audience a question. They answer using SMS text messages, Twitter, or the web (try voting!) Results update live in your web browser or PowerPoint. Twittertry voting! Twittertry voting!
The polls you downloaded are embedded on the next slide. You may view them by running the slideshow. Feel free to copy the poll slides to another presentation or build up your presentation starting from this one. - The Poll Everywhere Team Poll Everywhere
5. Digital Storytelling
Voicethread – Online media album that can hold any type of media: video, images, documents) and allows students to comment in 5 ways; voice by mic or phone, text, audio file or video via webcam. Example –
6. Specific Course Bookmarking
6. Specific Course Bookmarking 6. Specific Course Bookmarking Video by Lee LeFever GOcNU GOcNU GOcNU
7. Student Videos Own Channel Class Channels Example: Speech class Published worked
8. Voice Service Read the words – Example-
9. Cartoons 9. Cartoons Create your own Cartoons Example-
Extra’s : Just For Fun Extra’s : Just For Fun Bubblr – Blabbersize – Bubbleshare – Diagramming – Flipbook – Flock browser web2.0-ifiied – Mapmaking – Pageflakes – Scribd – Scratch – To Do Manager – Whiteboard – Widgets – Zamzar –
Helpful Videos By Common craft - Lee LeFever Photosharing bookmarking Blogging RSS Feeds Wikis
Web2.0 Videos Web2.0 in 5 minutes Web2.0 history A vision of students today Did you know- Information fresh freshhttp:// fresh
Contact Info Randy J. Malta 2 nd Life: Rando Mazi