Cole Cantrell and Grant McNulty 4 th Block
This model can be used to show how developed a country is It contains 4 stages, with a possible 5 th stage Calculated with the Crude Birth Rate, CBR, and the Crude Death Rate, CDR Population pyramids have a correlation to each stage
In Stage 1, people will be hunters and gathers Currently, there are no countries are in Stage 1. The First Agricultural Revolution has allowed all countries to pass Stage 1. The CBR and CDR vary widely causing low population growth
In Stage 2, the world population has spiked and grows rapidly The CBR remains high, while the CDR has dropped significantly, causing high growth The Industrial Revolution and Medical Revolution Currently, many African, Latin American, and some Asian countries are in Stage 2
As shown by the population pyramid, Stage 2’s pyramid, look like an average pyramid.
In Stage 3, the population grows, but more slowly than in Stage 2 The CDR continues to lower, but the CBR also lowers but not as fast as the CDR. Many European and North American countries moved to Stage 3 in the 1950s, and Latin American, and Asian countries have moved up to Stage 3 recently. Economic changes has allowed more jobs and women to join the work force, resulting in the lesser chance of having kids
The population pyramid in a Stage 3 country has a more box shape to it.
In Stage 4, little population occurs, or the country reaches zero population growth\ The gap between the CBR and CDR continues to decrease, or the two overlap Very few countries are in Stage 4, typically European countries The total fertility rate, the average of how many children a women has, is below the Natural Increase Rate, 2.1 children
Population pyramids in Stage 4 looks like an upside down pyramid.
Some geographers believe that the Demographic Transition Model has a 5 th stage In Stage 5, the CBR will be below the CDR, and the population would begin to decline It is debated on whether few countries, such as Germany, are in Stage 5