Anne Davidson Unit 1 The Brief: Get inspired by music, materials, techniques, processes, artists and designers. Create imagery for 4 songs and a compilation cover.
Inspiration and concept Otis Redding- Siting on the dock of the bay The mood and lyric of the music reminded me of a couple of photos I had taken. I wanted to use the photo and then sketch over the top like the Bjork cover.I liked the idea of doing wave sketches like the Keane cover. I also wanted to add some random PS effects to create the mood of summer like the Winter Warmers cover.
Techniques, Alternatives I edited the photo in PS using the adjustments to create a sun kissed effect to represent the warm feeling in the song. I used a curly font to add to the imagery and decided to draw the sketches emitting from the font. To create the wave sketches I drew over an image in Ai and manipulated these by adding stroke, shadow and matching the colour to tones in the picture. I used Raining in White as a font as I wanted to add the wave sketches to the font and create a flowing line.
Final work Reflectio n I changed pictures as there was too much content in the other and this was simplier. I am not as pleased with the sketch over effect as I wanted to be. I think the font fits nicely but the swirls need to be dramatic or intertwined.
Inspiration and concept Pharrell - Happy I was inspired by the collage effect on The Beatles cover. I wanted to do something similar by collecting pictures of things that made people happy. The song has such an upbeat effect that I wanted to assimilate it with people's ideas of being happy. The Beatles cover has become an icon and so has Pharrell's hat so I thought of combining the two.
Techniques, Alternatives I researched what made people happy by asking friends via Facebook. I used magazines to cut out these images and assemble into a collage. I layered these images as I didn't want to to stick down flat. I clip masked this image into the image of Pharrell's hat. The font I chose had an urban feel to fit in with the mood of the song..
Final work Reflecti on I am pleased with the concept of the cover. However I would like the images inside the hat to be smaller and more obvious as I think that would have made the message a bit clearer.
Inspiration and concept Archive - You make me feel I really liked the strong basic images by Opie on the Blur cover. I also liked the messy paint collage effect on the portrait as I had done something similar when younger. The song has a strong sound and made me think of soldiers and a marching army. Instead of using just one image I thought of making an army of images in the style of Caulfield's vases.
Techniques, Alternatives I collected images of robots and drew a representation of these which I scanned and dropped into PS to add line and colour. At first the robots were too rigid as I wanted a more humanistic effect. The font helps to convey the strong image I wanted to create. At first I was going to just use one image but then chose to do two different sizes and four colours to build up an army.
Final work Reflectio n I like the strong simple message of this cover. I think the colours work well too as does the font.
Inspiration and concept Nicholas Jaar - Mi Mujer I really liked the dance trance feel of this song and wanted to convey this on the cover. Watching the video I liked the pattern on the DJs t-shirt so decided to use this as the pattern. I really wanted to use some blurred colours to give the trance like effect. Take That and Orbital had used some good effects on their covers.
Techniques, Alternatives I took a screen shot of the DJ's t-shirt and used Ai to trace over and interpret this pattern. I used a photo of an ink cloud and changed the saturation of this to make four different combinations. I made this into a spiral circle following the pattern of the line drawing.
Final work Reflection Whist this cover is quite "busy" I am pleased with the effect as I think it matched the trance effect I was trying to evoke. I like the abstract pattern I created. Though it could probably stand out more.
Inspiration and concept Compilation cover I wanted to combine the elements of the four covers on the main cover. The number 4 is unlucky in Chinese culture so I didn't want to use the figure. Instead I used 4 dots like the artwork. I then used the dot font to write the title.
Techniques, Alternatives I clip masked each design into a circle. First I put the four circles in the corners. I then put them in a row. I continued the circle theme on the disc itself. Initially I was going to call the compilation "Four" but then changed it to fit with the feng shu! For the final design I used a gradiated background similar to the Mylo cover.
Final work…artwork Reflection I am pleased with the final cover. I like the way the four designs are combined for the compilation. The added gradient background makes the design stand out more.
Final work…lyric cards Reflection I wanted to use elements of the covers but make them all slightly different. The first I changed to black and white and lowered the opacity. I then used the same font. The second I decided to use the collage effect as a border. The third I simply lowered the opacity. The last I just used the line pattern and used the colours from the font.
Inspiration and concept Packaging I wanted to use the cover as the packaging and really like this design. The tie on the cover fits with the envelopes used in HK so that they are reusable. The alternative cover with the book inside helps to display the lyric cards too.