The Microfinance Impact Genome Project A look at business outcomes
©2015 Mission Measurement Corp. [DOCUMENT NAME] | [DATE] 2 SPTF Speed Dating! Introduce yourself & collect as many business cards as you can in 5 minutes!
©2015 Mission Measurement Corp. [DOCUMENT NAME] | [DATE] 33 Agenda Overview of IGP and current research on microenterprise growth outcomes / indicators Case study review: small group work Case study report back Plenary discussion; big questions, next steps Coffee break: 15:45 – 15:55
The Microfinance Impact Genome Project™ SPTF Annual Meeting, Siem Reap Cambodia, 2015
©2015 Mission Measurement Corp. [DOCUMENT NAME] | [DATE] 5 Overview The Impact Genome Project™ (IGP) is a comprehensive, evidence-based research project to codify the factors that drive social change. The IGP allows policymakers, funders, and practitioners to measure and predict the outcomes of social programs with greater precision and uniformity. Key benefits of the IGP: Significantly lower evaluation costs More effective resource allocation Better results / ROI Universal outcomes & efficacy factors Standardized scorecards Field-wide benchmarking Predictive analytics The IGP is generously supported by leading philanthropies, governments and corporations. Microfinance
©2015 Mission Measurement Corp. [DOCUMENT NAME] | [DATE] 6 Summary of Genomic Process Research publications o Efficacy facs o Contextual facs o Efficacy facs o Contextual facs o Efficacy facs o Contextual facs o Efficacy facs o Contextual facs o Efficacy Context Efficacy Context Calculating Effect Sizes Efficacy facs o Efficacy facs Efficacy facs Efficacy facs Efficacy facs o Contextual facs Contextual facs Contextual facs o Contextual facs This is what happened This is how much it mattered These are the factors that contributed Practitioner Survey - Input
©2015 Mission Measurement Corp. [DOCUMENT NAME] | [DATE] 7 An initiative’s Efficacy Score forecasts the likelihood that any given client/ beneficiary will achieve the specified outcome Each score card is aligned to a primary standard outcome Relevant contextual and demographic profiles are included The standard benchmarking metric of Expected Outcome is predicted based on an initiative’s projected Efficacy Score Specific key success factors contributing to the program’s Efficacy Score are highlighted within the full set of factors that are empirically linked to success for a given outcome Opportunities for program improvement are summarized from key outcome efficacy drivers Comparative benchmarks are provided to demonstrate relative performance Impact Scorecards Provide Actionable Data to Funders, Governments and Practitioners
©2015 Mission Measurement Corp. [DOCUMENT NAME] | [DATE] 8 Identifying Leading MF Outcomes Outcomes Keywords: ~650 bibliographic entries
©2015 Mission Measurement Corp. [DOCUMENT NAME] | [DATE] 9 Keywords per Outcome Broad indicatorSearch termsCount Income poverty Income Consumption Expenditure Poverty Asset Total Resilience Shock Smooth Saving Total Business development Business Enterprise Total Health HIV Total Broad indicatorSearch termsCount Women’s empowerment Empowerment Decision Total Women Girl Education School Total Food securityFood48 Agriculture development Farm Agriculture Agricultural Total Social capitalSocial20
©2015 Mission Measurement Corp. [DOCUMENT NAME] | [DATE] 10 Enterprise Growth and Job Creation
©2015 Mission Measurement Corp. [DOCUMENT NAME] | [DATE] 11 Making More Money Income Business income HH income Earnings # IGAs # Income sources Profit Business profit Revenue Business revenue Consumption Durables consumption Temptation consumption Expenditure Food Housing Assets Appliances Asset ownership Asset structure Business capital Capital accumulation Sales Sales (quantity)
©2015 Mission Measurement Corp. [DOCUMENT NAME] | [DATE] 12 Productivity Inventory Business inventory Investment Business investment Working capital Asset investment Productive asset investment Performance/E fficiency Business development Business maintenance Business performance Business productivity Business formalization Efficiency Enterprise stability Microenterprise recovery Output Performance Productivity Access Credit Financing and technical assistance Financial resources Loan size Business Creation/Growth Business creation Business diversification Business expansion Business growth Enterprise establishment Skills/Training Business skills Knowledge Entrepreneurial activity Entrepreneurial capacity Economic capacity Financial skills Business processes and knowledge Management of cash flow Money management Business skills Technical skills Skills Business maintenance?
©2015 Mission Measurement Corp. [DOCUMENT NAME] | [DATE] 13 Employment # Business owners # Employees Non-farm self- employment Occupational choice Paid employment Self-Employment Small enterprise employment Child labor Employment Employment opportunities Employment status Job creation Jobs Labor Labor supply
©2015 Mission Measurement Corp. [DOCUMENT NAME] | [DATE] 14 Risk Management Savings HH savings Personal savings Savings Savings mobilization Risk Management Economic security Financial vulnerability Vulnerability HH economic vulnerability Income smoothing Feeling of preparedness Leadership
©2015 Mission Measurement Corp. [DOCUMENT NAME] | [DATE] 15 Intrinsic Benefits Intrinsic Business confidence HH welfare Satisfaction Self-confidence Self-esteem Social Social status Well-being
©2015 Mission Measurement Corp. [DOCUMENT NAME] | [DATE] 16 Agriculture Making More Money Agricultural income Productivity Access to agricultural inputs Animal husbandry Crop diversification Farmer decision to export or sell locally Agricultural practices
©2015 Mission Measurement Corp. [DOCUMENT NAME] | [DATE] 17 Benefits for Women Productivity Women’s activity Women’s assets Women’s business Women’s enterprise development Women’s labor supply Making More Money Individual wealth Intrinsic/empowerment Empowerment Independence Self-confidence Self-esteem Control over assets Decision making Education
©2015 Mission Measurement Corp. [DOCUMENT NAME] | [DATE] 18 Case Studies Rules of ThumbBusiness Outcomes Survey – 1992 D OMINICAN R EPUBLIC CS F OCUS : Compare effectiveness of traditional financial training vs. ‘rule of thumb’ (simplified) training O FFERING : 5-6 week financial training courses CS O UTCOMES : Adoption of good business practices; sales, loan size & type; likelihood of reborrowing N/A CS F OCUS : Example of a survey given to clients RE business outcomes in 1992; our focus is on what is relevant / irrelevant today?! O FFERING : Loans CS Outcomes: Wide ranging Hand In HandTao Yeu May I NDIA CS F OCUS : HIH impact on enterprise outcomes and job creation O FFERING : loans to women through self-help groups CS O UTCOMES : Adoption of good business practices; sales, loan size & type; likelihood of reborrowing V IET N AM CS F OCUS : Impact of risk management training & insurance on financial outcomes O FFERING : Savings, loans + training on risk management, microinsurance CS Outcomes: Financial attitudes & behaviors; asset building; vulnerability
©2015 Mission Measurement Corp. [DOCUMENT NAME] | [DATE] 19 Case Study – Discussion Guide 1.What is learned about the clients through use of this data? 2.What decisions might an MFI take based on this data? 3.What data do you feel you lack or would like in addition to data presented? 4.Which indicators discussed in your case study do you believe could be broadly applicable and of interest to the industry as a whole? 5.What is one question or point you’d like to discuss with the full group? After the break: each group reports back on questions, then group discussion on #5s.
©2015 Mission Measurement Corp. This document contains confidential material proprietary to Mission Measurement. Disclosure of this document, to parties who are not team members or members of the organization or company for which this document is intended, is strictly prohibited. All other rights to the contents of this document, including but not limited to methodologies, concepts, experiences, and client lists, are assigned to Mission Measurement. C ONTACT Genome Manager: Laura Kingsbury Research Director: Margaret Richards (offline through July 13!)