Socks Daily Oral Language Week 2
Sentence 1 Underline the nouns. Double underline the adjectives. in the dark mailbox the little frightened kitten felt himself falling until he landed on a slippery pile of crackling letters
Sentence 2 Underline the nouns. Double underline the adjectives. that mean boy mailed the little kitten i wanted cried the small boy as he gave his older sister a big shove
Sentence 3 Underline the nouns. Double underline the adjectives. debbie held the little kitten up this is socks she said we named him socks because he looks like hes wearing white socks
Sentence 4 Underline the articles. Double underline the demonstrative adjectives. these kittens are all different colors theirs a striped one a white one a little grey one the yellow tabby and that one with the white paws
Sentence 5 Underline the articles. Double underline the demonstrative adjectives. we need a cat to sleep in front of the fireplace this winter now that we have a house said mrs bricker