DoE Review June 6-7, 2000 Installation and Commissioning of the D0 Detector Overview since last review Organization Current status Installation sequence, logistics Schedule, timelines Commissioning status, plans Conclusions Jon Kotcher Brookhaven National Laboratory D0 Collaboration DoE Review Fermilab June 6-7, 2000
DoE Review June 6-7, 2000 Overview of Last Six Months Director’s Review of Installation & Commissioning, December 7-8, 1999 u Extensive review s Detectors, electronics, infrastructure, DAQ, trigger, online,… u Much learned, useful exercise Detailed reconsideration(s) of installation sequence in recent months u Split silicon allows installation with end calorimeters & end irons on platform s Removes constraint of remaining in “open” configuration for its installation –Large pieces can be put in final position earlier s Can be installed, serviced, removed (upgrades) in Assembly or Collision Hall –Same 39” gap between calorimeters exists in both locations, access not an issue u Uninterrupted hookup & commissioning time where it matters most s Full six months prior to roll in u Chosen sequence relieves pressure on end game s Resources, manpower needs distributed more evenly in time s Early confrontation of potential difficulties, recovery Cognizance of fixed end date an important ingredient in our deliberations u March 1, 2001 taken quite seriously u Carefully optimize remaining time in order to roll in complete, physics-ready detector for Run 2
DoE Review June 6-7, 2000 Organization Installation Core Group: u J. Kotcher (APM - Installation & Commissioning) u R. Hance (Project Engineer – Electrical) u K. Krempetz (Project Engineer – Mechanical) u D. Miller (Technical Supervisor) Weekly Monday Installation Meeting u Attended by all primary players, including detector representatives, Commissioning Coordinator (J. Yu) s Schedule all jobs s Monitor progress s Track potential interferences (space allocation) s Allocation of manpower, other resources –Surveyors, welders, crane, engineering, … s Safety considerations, requirements, documentation u All work of significance requires presentation to this group ~ 1 month in advance before it can be scheduled s Any work in Assembly or Collision Hall requires our approval u Core group collaborates closely on all issues Priorities set by Kotcher, with extensive input from many others u Ensure appropriate allocation of limited resources, space, etc. u Timely decision-making u Oversee global interest of getting full detector online
DoE Review June 6-7, 2000 Approach to Schedule Durations/logistics discussed in detail with principals, including: u Detector installation, cabling, & checkout u Logistics/interleaving of electronics installation Conservative assumptions in many durations, intended to compensate for: s Ramp-up of tasks s Possible delays in engineering/design completion, fabrication, etc. s Unforeseen difficulties Reconsideration of durations associated with movement of large pieces s Put large pieces in place as soon as possible s Platform, trusses, Forward Muon octant installation, roll-in & hookup in Collision Hall, … Competing needs for space taken into account wherever possible Most remaining installation of Forward Muon octants assumed to be done serially u Crane availability u Unique needs, availability of specialized personnel Double shifts assumed, will begin June 19 u Hand-picked four-man team dedicated primarily to Forward Muon installation s Limit scope of work: safety, etc. u Needed for timely completion of octant installation before roll-in u Durations of associated tasks reduced by 30% - quite conservative
DoE Review June 6-7, 2000 Installation Status Solenoid u Installed, tested, mapped u Hall probes calibrated in situ Central Preshower u Installed with solenoid Central Muon u Inner A- counters, cosmic cap scintillation counters, refurbished PDTs u Installed, being commissioned Level 1 & 2 Trigger Framework u Installed, being exercised, commissioned Forward Preshower, Inter-cryostat Detector, Luminosity Monitor u Mounted on faces of end calorimeters end April, 2000 Forward Muon u All (16) A-layer MDT octants installed on end irons u EMC trusses in Hi Bay, being prepped for move to sidewalk These are final Run 2 systems, in place, varying stages of hookup/commissioning
DoE Review June 6-7, 2000 Muon Detector Upgrade Bottom B/C Scint Central Trigger Scint ( A- ) PDTs Forward Trigger Scint (Pixels) Forward Tracker (MDTs) Shielding
DoE Review June 6-7, 2000 Partial Installation Task List Below represents ~ 10% of full Installation Task List Each task discussed in detail in weekly meeting, status updated List is priority ordered, maintained by Core Group DescriptionStatusAccesses Needed or Restricted Relevant Dates Repair Shielding Arms Miller – north truss complete. South done after brought to DAB. Load tests for north and south will be done together; awaits reweld of south arms. Hi Bay. Week of 6/5 for re- welding south arms Muon Shielding Mid-pieces : Re- assembly Miller – mid-pieces returned from vendor, lids almost complete Done in Hi BayAll pieces expected back wk of 6/5 Install VLPC Cryostat Rucinski – In progressWelding almost complete; push to commission system prior to platform move (7/11). Platform periodically inaccessible Installation begins week of 6/5 Replace solenoid mounts Krempetz, Miller - Returned to CFT group for final machining to accommodate FT mounts. Survey prior to mount removal, re- survey after new mounts are installed Must be completed before CFT install (6/19) Assemble north A- layer pixel plane on shield wall Miller – preparations underway for shield wall stabilizer. Spreader bar complete. Pit periodically inaccessible. Will remain on shield wall until installation on EFN (~ early Sep) Started week of 5/22. Install gas blocks and leak check WAMUS PDTs Miller – ongoingAccess to PDTs required Ongoing, with high priority
DoE Review June 6-7, 2000 Representative Completed Tasks TaskComments Reconfigure EF bus DC power flagsCompleted 2/4/00 Fabricate Muon Shielding AssemblyCompleted 2/11/00 FPD – 2/21 – near beginning of agenda – access to collision hall during Feb-May Complete 2/21/00 Fill EF HolesCompleted 2/11/00 Install A-Phi LED fiber blocks-West SideCompleted 2/18/00 Modify SAMUS hooksCompleted 2/18/00 Reorganize Hi-Bay area to accommodate trusses and blocks. Completed 2/18/00 Remove and replace hardware on 2 PDT chambers Completed 2/18/00 Leak check Be Beam TubeCompleted 2/18/00 Install Sci-counter cables (8)Completed 2/28/00 Replace BLS backplanes on the south platform Completed 2/18/00 Relocate racks PW4 and PW5 on platform west porch and add new rack to accommodate branch circuit panel for platform AC distribution. Completed 3/1/00 (also did likewise with other side of aisle) Presentation from Balm on turning on solenoid in April Completed 3/6/00
DoE Review June 6-7, 2000 C-layer MDT Being Assembled in Lab F Size, weight, number of Forward Muon octants places significant demands on resources/labor Critical sub-system during coming months
DoE Review June 6-7, 2000 Commissioning Status Commissioning Coordinator appointed (J. Yu) Weekly Commissioning Meeting attended by all principals u Progress reports, priorities set, monitoring of long- and short-term milestones, daily run plans u (3) mini-workshops in DAB s focus work toward achieving milestones Commissioning considerations being integrated into installation priorities u Proper application of resources to ensure timely availability of crucial items s infrastructure, cabling, electronics installation, etc. u Installation & commissioning intimately linked Recent accomplishments associated with March 15 and May 19 milestones: u Established multi-detector, multi-crate readout s Central Muon – scintillation detectors, PDTs s Calorimeter (instrumented with Run 1 electronics) s Prototype Level 1 muon trigger exercised in situ s Silicon front-end read out through VRBs s Implemented cosmic ray triggers u Two data paths exercised: s Primary data path, through Trigger Framework and Level 3 s Secondary path using crate control computers
DoE Review June 6-7, 2000 Commissioning Status (cont’d) u Established data transfer to DAB from SiDet u Additional Run 2 functionality being developed s Trigger Framework exercised s Centralized run and communication control s Online data shipped to Feynman Center, logged s Online event monitoring and displays s Development of SMT calibration system and databases s Training of DAQ experts s Documentation in place, maintained Extensive system tests/commissioning at remote laboratories u SiDet (10% test) u Cosmic test (CFT, Preshowers) at Lab 3 u Critical training bed s Hardware, expertise, software applied directly to commissioning of experiment s Integral part of D0 commissioning effort
DoE Review June 6-7, 2000 Future Global Commissioning Milestones Jun 15: Begin SiDet full readout test Aug 01: Prepare front-ends for checkout during CFT waveguide installation u Implement multi-run DAQ u Complete necessary infrastructure (cabling, rack preparation, etc.) u Prepare necessary safety documentation (ORCs) for unattended running Sep 15: Complete cabling and checkout of CFT-South u Begin DAQ long-term stability test u Commission Level 3 hardware, filters u Commission FAMUS-North A-layer MDTs Dec 15: Begin cosmic ray commissioning of inner trackers (SMT-S, CFT), central muon u Track reconstruction u CFT + muon triggers u Commission quadrant of central calorimeter electronics
DoE Review June 6-7, 2000 Conclusions Installation sequence well understood, many steps performed before by same people Work carefully organized and monitored, excellent support staff Schedule contains many conservative assumptions, still requires tightly choreographed series of steps Commissioning aggressively being pursued, plans/needs taken into account in installation scheduling Have not deviated from original plan to have complete detector hooked up in February, 2001
DoE Review June 6-7, 2000 Installation Fallback Options CFT is done u Only detector that, delayed, would have prevented movement of large pieces into final configuration u Not an issue Fully expect both halves of silicon to arrive as scheduled u Far prefer to install in Assembly Hall s Ease of access, more forgiving time constraints, etc. s Installation in Collision Hall would have to be scheduled u But don’t have to… s Infinite schedule contingency in this system Full Forward Muon system should make it u Production lines set long ago to respect A, C, B installation sequence – will not be altered u Schedule is conservative, durations generous u If portion of B-layer can’t be mounted in time, roll-in without it s We believe this layer can be installed in Collision Hall, if necessary Electronics can be installed after roll in, if needed u Short accesses required, accelerator ramp up u Have appropriate complement for detector hookup Commissioning time prior to roll-in will be optimized as fully as possible u Will continue during initial exposure to beam
DoE Review June 6-7, 2000 Installation Approach Installation is integrated part of each sub-project: u sub-detector design takes into account installation constraints, interferences, end game scenario u designs developed from extensive discussions between groups s A- counter design based on detailed survey measurements s design of forward pixels/MDTs in part driven by proximity to end iron s FPS modular design motivated by installation/repair/access concerns s CFT connector design developed within very tight spatial constraints Evolution of installation plan, activities in Assembly Hall, discussed in weekly meeting amongst principals u More specific, detailed issues discussed in sub-project or other integration meetings s Silicon, Fiber Tracker, Tracker Integration and Installation, Muon Commissioning,...
DoE Review June 6-7, 2000 Installation Approach (cont’d) Installation of detector is spatially very tightly constrained u DØ is highly hermetic, sub-detectors very closely nested u Ways in which it can be assembled very limited Choreography very well understood u done before by many of the same people (Level 2 sub-project managers and other physicists, technical staff) u collaboration has experience bringing complex detector system online quickly, efficiently s immediately started taking physics data upon roll-in for Run I with no engineering run Appreciate complexity of Run 2 system, concomitant demands on planning and execution
DoE Review June 6-7, 2000 Organizational Overview Developing integrated approach to installation and commissioning u intimately linked, natural way to approach it u facilitates establishing priorities, decision making, related to: s spatial considerations, interferences s availability of detectors, components, resources s order in which things are done One person overseeing both operations at managerial level u physicists, project engineers responsible for individual inst/comm sub-tasks (commissioning, tracker installation, mechanical/electrical infrastructure) u sub-projects remain primary players in installation/commissioning of their individual sub-systems s detailed plan for their sub-detectors developed by them
DoE Review June 6-7, 2000 Tracking System Overview Forward Preshower Silicon Microstrip Tracker Fiber Tracker Solenoid Central Preshower All detectors in this volume use SVX II readout ~0.5 m ~1.3 m