“Knowing in part may make a fine tale, But wisdom comes from seeing the whole (p.40).” Often in classrooms, reading, analysis and synthesis take place.


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Presentation transcript:

“Knowing in part may make a fine tale, But wisdom comes from seeing the whole (p.40).” Often in classrooms, reading, analysis and synthesis take place in isolation. Students at the elementary and middle school level rarely engage in “authentic dialogue.” Wilson and Tropp Laman suggests that students miss key opportunities to engage in critical analysis when text is only read individually.

Wilson and Tropp Laman findings on the on the effectiveness of group discussion in fostering critical literacy skills were based on the classroom observations of K. Pierce, a sixth grade teacher who integrated issues of social domination into her standard curriculum.

How do you incorporate topics of social domination in your classroom? – Racism – Poverty – Discrimination – Immigration – War

Pierce used a variety of resources to introduce her students to issues of power in society. – Social action projects – Poverty simulations – Museum trips – Multiculutral Social Issues books Examples of books addressing social issues


Books that address social issues provide a foundation in which students can begin to address controversial topics in an environment where their opinion is respected and validated. “Literature discussions are one curricular structure that provides support for students’ dialogues with their peers (p.41).” Authentic dialogue is when students are allowed to talk freely about the text in order to build further meaning. It creates a space for critical conversations.

Exploratory Talk – Talk characterized by uncertain phrasing and circuitous threads as students attempt to work through their interpretation in collaboration. – Allows students to engage with the text on a personal level – When do you allot time for exploratory talk in your classroom? How do you facilitate it? Groups, pair- share, guided questions, etc.

The three students observed represented different backgrounds – a central component of having students build meaning from listening to other perspectives. Students read the picture book I Hate English. One student summarized the texts to the others which gave each student an opportunity to interject their own personal experiences and thoughts about the text.

Exploratory talk gave each student the opportunity to act as an expert through their contribution to the discussion Issues that surfaced from the students’ discussion focused on the credibility and validity of the text. Critical Literacy connection: Students discovered that just because something is printed does not mean that it is relevant or an accurate depiction of a cultural.

Wilson and Laman recommend having students tape their exploratory discussions as a way that teachers to learn how to improve their facilitation of student talk. What problems could taping students’ group discussion create? What do you recommend as an alternative?

In order to develop a curriculum of critical literacy focused on students’ analysis strength consider the following questions: – What personal connections are students making to the text? – What questions are they asking of each other and of the text? – In what ways are they identifying or empathizing with the characters’ plight? – In what ways are they critiquing the text and the world? – What are the conversational exchanges (who’s speaking)?

Utilizing Exploratory talk during literature discussions validates students’ talk and aids in the development of critical literacy skills. Resources: Breaking Barriers, Building Bridges: Critical Discussion of Social Issues Lesson Plan Critical Media Literacy: Commercial Advertising