YOUR LOGO Case Presentation SKKU School of Medicine, Anesthesiology Son Eui Young
YOUR LOGO Chief Complaint F / 56 Dyspnea, Sputum -Onset : 3 years ago Page 2
YOUR LOGO Present illness (3YA) - 엘리베이터 화재로 inhalational burn (2YA) -IM3 에서 시행한 Chest CT 상 tracheal stenosis 는 없으나 vocal cord 의 stenosis (posterior) 보여서 ENT refer. LMS, subglottic granulation removal 이후 반복적으로 LMS 시행하였으나, - 주 증상인 dyspnea, sputum 은 갈수록 악화됨 LMS evalutaion, Laryngo tracheal anastomosis 위해 입원 Page 3
YOUR LOGO 마취전 환자 방문 수술전진단명 Posterior glottic tenosis 예정 수술 LMS, Evaluation laryngotracheal anastomosis 체중 / 신장 47.8/148BP 112/73HR 55 RR 20BT 36 혈액형 A+ I. 의학적 소견 -1. 현재 질환 Hypertension, Hypercholestolemia -2. 과거 병력엘리베이터 화재 inhalation burn -3. 현재 투약력 (No) Page 4
YOUR LOGO 마취전 환자 방문 -4. 과거 마취력 (Yes) 본원 수술력 : LMS with laser : LMS evaluation + cricotracheal end to end f Page 5
YOUR LOGO 마취전 환자 방문 Page 6
YOUR LOGO Chief Complaint Page 7
YOUR LOGO Chief Complaint Page 8
YOUR LOGO Chief Complaint Page 9
YOUR LOGO Chief Complaint Page 10
YOUR LOGO Chief Complaint Page 11
YOUR LOGO Chief Complaint Page 12
YOUR LOGO Chief Complaint Page 13
YOUR LOGO Page 14 Sample Slide Bullet Points The text demonstrates how your own text will look when you replace the placeholder with your own text. This is a placeholder text. This text can be replaced with your own text. If you don’t want to use the style and size of the fonts as used in this placeholder it is possible to replace it by selecting different options. -For replacing the placeholder text you need to click on the placeholder text and insert your own text. -The text that you insert will retain the same style and format as the placeholder text.
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