Liver Anicus (anatomical unit of the liver) – Hepatocyte – Kupffer cell (reticuloendothelial scavenger system) Removing large protein drugs – Arrange in 3 zones 1-closest to incoming arterioles and venules and are the first to receive drugs and nutrients from incoming blood. 2- intermediate between 1 and 3 3-richest in P450 and hydrolytic enzymes; farthest from distributing vessels and closest to the vessels draining the central vein and bile cannaliculae – Sinusoids Capillaries of the liver Fenestrated endothelial cells – 100 nm in diameter (albumin) Plasma in sinusoids intestitial fluid within the space of Disse bathing the hepatocytes
Stellate is also known as a lipocyte
Elimination and low E h (<0.3) P450 Inhibitor P450 Inducer opioid analgesic drug
Elimination and high E h (>0.7) Inducer Heart Drug