Los mandatos informales Español 2
Informal commands commands friends family We use__________________ to tell people what to do or what not to do. Commands are a part of everyday life. How we make commands in Spanish depends upon whom we are speaking to. The informal commands are the types of commands we give to ____________ and __________. friends family
Informal commands There are two type of “mandatos informales” ____________ (tell someone TO do something) ____________(tell someone NOT to do something) affirmative negative
Informal commands (affirmative) Take the form and drop the . OR Just use the form if that’s easier to remember! preparar comer escribir tú s él / ella / ud ¡Prepara! ¡Come! ¡Escribe!
Informal Commands (Negative) To make a negative tú command, start with the form of the verb, drop the , and add the ending. preparar comer escribir yo o opposite tú -ar es -er/-ir as ¡No prepares! ¡No comas! ¡No escribas!
Opposite endings Verbs that end in -ar won’t take the -as ending, but instead will take . Verbs that end in -er or -ir won’t take the -es ending, but instead will take . -es -as
Práctica 1. cantar (+) 2. mirar (+) 3. beber (-) 4. escuchar (+) 5. hablar (-) ¡Canta! ¡Mira! ¡No bebas! ¡Escucha! ¡No hables!
Práctica 6. escribir (-) 7. comer (+) 8. salir (-) 9. hacer (-) 10 perder (-) ¡No escribas! ¡Come! ¡No salgas! ¡No hagas! ¡No pierdas!
-car, -gar, -zar verbs When we make negative commands from a verb that ends in -car, -gar, or -zar, we make some spelling changes to keep the original sound.
-car -gar -zar z c c qu g For verbs that end in -car, the changes to , For verbs that end in -gar, the changes to . gu z For verbs that end in -zar, the changes to a . c
Remember these rules only apply to -car, -gar, -zar verbs Then we add the opposite ending, which will ALWAYS be since these are -ar verbs! Remember these rules only apply to -es negative commands
¡A practicar! 1. buscar (+) 2. pagar (+) 3. empezar (-) 4. tocar (+) ¡No empieces! ¡toca!
¡A practicar! 5. comenzar (-) 6. practicar (+) 7. sacar (-) 8. llegar (-) ¡No comiences! ¡Practica! ¡No saques! ¡No llegues!
IRREGULAR Affirmative Commands These are the verbs that are used over and over again as they have been shortened down through the centuries. They’re pretty easy to remember since they are almost all –go verbs.
Say: Vin Diesel has ten weapons. Venir Decir Salir Hacer Tener Ir Poner ¡Ven! ¡Di! ¡Sal! ¡Haz! ¡Ten! ¡Ve! ¡Pon! Come! Say! Tell! Go out! Leave! Do! Make! Have! Go! Put!
Say “Vin Diesel has ten weapons” with a german accent Sé ven di sal haz ten ve pon
Sé ven di sal haz ten ve pon
Negative Irregulars commands ir and ser As you might imagine, ir and ser are almost always irregular! This is true also for the negative commands! Ir ser ¡No vayas! Don’t go! ¡No seas! Don’t be!
¡A practicar! Poner Tener Venir Salir Hacer Decir ¡No pongas! ¡No tengas! ¡No vengas! ¡No salgas! ¡No hagas! ¡No digas! Don’t put! Don’t have! Don’t come! Don’t leave! Don’t do! Don’t make! Don’t say! Don’t tell!
COMMANDS and OBJECTS PRONOUNS Affirmative commands: ________________ the direct object pronoun to the end of the affirmative command. (Notice we add an accent mark to keep the stress in the original place. Un, Dos, Tres BAM!) ATTACH
A PRACTICAR (Vender) la casa (Escuchar) a mí (traer) dinero (buscar) a nosotros Véndela Escúchame Tráelo Búscanos
MÁS PRACTICA Dar el teléfono a mi ¡Dámelo! Give it to me!
COMMANDS and OBJECTS PRONOUNS Negative commands: The difference with the negative commands is that the object pronoun will be placed __________ the verb. BEFORE
__________________________ No apagar la Luz No comprar el carro __________________________ No apagar la Luz ¡No lo compres! Don’t buy it! ¡No la apagues! Don’t turn it off!
Common Expressions Ten Cuidado! Ven acá! or Ven aquí! Dime la verdad! No te vayas! No me digas! No tengas miedo! Ponte el sombrero! No seas así! Be careful! Come here! Tell me the truth! Don’t go! Don’t tell me! You don’t say! Don’t be afraid! Put on the hat! Don’t be like that!
More Expressions Ven conmigo Hazme un favor! Dime la verdad! Pon la mesa! Ponte los zapatos! Sé paciente! Come with me! Do me a favor! Tell me the truth! Set the table!* Put on shoes! Be patient!
Los mandatos informales Practice
Choose the correct answer, in order to create a command in the "tú" form. Speak more slowly. (hablar) Don't speak so quickly. . Write a letter to your mother. (escribir) Don't write on the wall. Habla más lentamente. No hables tan rápido. Escribe una carta a tu mamá. No escribas en la pared.
Choose the correct answer, in order to create a command in the "tú" form. Johnny, sing. (cantar) Johnny, don't sing. Open the door. (abrir) Don't open the door. Juanito, canta. Juanito, no cantes Abre la puerta. No abras la puerta.
Choose the correct answer, in order to create a command in the "tú" form. Begin now. (comenzar) Don't begin now. Buy that. (comprar) Don't buy that. Comienza ahora. No comiences ahora. compra eso. No compres eso.
Choose the correct answer, in order to create a command in the "tú" form. Drink the milk. (beber) Don't drink the water. Clean the kitchen. (limpiar) Don't clean the house. bebe la leche. No bebas el agua. limpia la cocina. No limpies la casa.
Choose the correct answer, in order to create a command in the "tú" form. Take the medicine. (tomar) Don't take the medicine. Read the book. (leer) Don't read the magazine. toma la medicina. No tomes la medicina. lee el libro. No leas la revista
Los mandatos informales Irregulares practice
Choose the correct answer, in order to create a command in the "tú" form. 1. Put the homework here. 2. Don't put the homework there. 3. Tell the truth. 4. Don't tell lies. Pon la tarea aquí (acá). No pongas la tarea allí (ahí). Di la verdad. No digas mentiras.
Choose the correct answer, in order to create a command in the "tú" form. 5. Come here. 6. Don't come here. 7. Be kind. 8. Don't be kind. Ven acá. No vengas aquí. Sé amable. No seas amable.
Choose the correct answer, in order to create a command in the "tú" form. 9. Set the table. 10. Don't set the table. 11. Do what I tell you. 12. Don't do what I tell you. Pon la mesa. No pongas la mesa. Haz lo que te digo. No hagas lo que te digo.
Choose the correct answer, in order to create a command in the "tú" form. 13. Say something. 14. Don't say anything. 15. Leave now. 16. Don't leave now. Di algo. No digas nada. Sal ahora. No salgas ahora.
Choose the correct answer, in order to create a command in the "tú" form. 17. Make the bed. 18. Don't make the bed. 19. Be careful. 20. Go right now! Haz la cama. No hagas la cama. Ten cuidado. Ve ahora mismo.
Compare the affirmative with the negative informal commands 1. (abrir) _____ la puerta. Abre la puerta. No abras la puerta. Affirmative informal command Negative informal command
Compare the affirmative with the negative informal commands 2. (beber) __ la leche. Bebe la leche. No bebas la leche. Affirmative informal command Negative informal command
Compare the affirmative with the negative informal commands 3. (tomar) ______ el agua. Toma el agua. No tomes el agua. Affirmative informal command Negative informal command
Compare the affirmative with the negative informal commands 4. (traer*) __ el vaso. Trae el vaso. No traigas el vaso. Affirmative informal command Negative informal command
Compare the affirmative with the negative informal commands 5. Juanito, (cantar) ______. Juanito, canta. Juanito, no cantes. Affirmative informal command Negative informal command
Compare the affirmative with the negative informal commands 6. (cocinar)___ la cena. Cocina la cena. No cocines la cena. Affirmative informal command Negative informal command
Compare the affirmative with the negative informal commands 7. (comer)___ la cena. Come la cena. No comas la cena. Affirmative informal command Negative informal command
Compare the affirmative with the negative informal commands 8. (pagar)____ eso. Paga eso. No pagues eso. Affirmative informal command Negative informal command
Compare the affirmative with the negative informal commands 9. (comprar) ___ los libros. Compra los libros. No compres los libros. Affirmative informal command Negative informal command
Compare the affirmative with the negative informal commands 10. (correr) ___ tan rápido. Corre rápido. No corras tan rápido. Affirmative informal command Negative informal command
Compare the affirmative with the negative informal commands 11. (escribir) ___ en la pared. Escribe en la pared. No escribas en la pared. Affirmative informal command Negative informal command
Compare the affirmative with the negative informal commands 12. Jaime (estudiar)____ . Jaime estudia. Jaime no estudies. Affirmative informal command Negative informal command
Compare the affirmative with the negative informal commands 13. (hablar) ____ tan rápido. Habla rápido. No hables tan rápido. Affirmative informal command Negative informal command
Compare the affirmative with the negative informal commands 14. (buscar) ____ la revista. Busca la revista. No busques la revista. Affirmative informal command Negative informal command
Compare the affirmative with the negative informal commands 15. (leer) ____ más lentamente. Lee más lentamente. No leas lentamente. Affirmative informal command Negative informal command
Compare the affirmative with the negative informal commands 16. (limpiar) ____ el dormitorio. Limpia el dormitorio. No limpies el dormitorio. Affirmative informal command Negative informal command
Compare the affirmative with the negative informal commands 17. (mirar) ____ la televisión. Mira la televisión. No mires la televisión. Affirmative informal command Negative informal command
Compare the affirmative with the negative informal commands 18. (repasar)______ la tarea. Repasa la tarea. No repases la tarea. Affirmative informal command Negative informal command
Compare the affirmative with the negative informal commands Juanito, no (saltar)_____. Juanito, Salta. Juanito, No saltes. Affirmative informal command Negative informal command
Compare the affirmative with the negative informal commands 20. (terminar)____ ahora. Termina ahora. No termines ahora. Affirmative informal command Negative informal command
imperative form Review
Write the imperative form for the given verb and pronoun. 1. Bring the food. (traer) Traiga (Ud.) la comida. 2. Don't smoke here, please. (fumar) No fumen (Uds.) aquí, por favor. 3. Go with her. (ir) Vayan (Uds.) con ella.
Write the imperative form for the given verb and pronoun. 4. Stir the rice. (agitar) Agite (Ud.) el arroz. 5. Don't buy that house. (comprar) No compren (Uds.) esa casa.
Choose the correct answer, in order to create a command in the "tú" form. 6. Speak more slowly. Habla más lentamente. 7. Don't begin now. No comiences ahora. 8. Come here. Ven acá. 9. Don't drink the water.No Bebas el agua.
Choose the correct answer, in order to create a command in the "tú" form. 10. Clean the kitchen. Limpia la cocina. 11. Come here. Ven aquí. 12. Be kind. Sé amable.
Choose the correct answer, in order to create a command in the "tú" form. 13. Set the table. Pon la mesa. 14. Do what I tell you. Haz lo que te digo. 15. Don't say anything. No digas nada.
16. Bring it to me. (traer / tú / la comida) Tráemela. me la Trae Use the information in parenthesis to translate the following sentences. Do not include the subject pronoun in your answer. 16. Bring it to me. (traer / tú / la comida) Tráemela. me I.O.P la D.O.P Trae
(traer / tú / las plumas) No se las traigas. le Use the information in parenthesis to translate the following sentences. Do not include the subject pronoun in your answer. 17. Don't bring them to him. (traer / tú / las plumas) No se las traigas. le I.O.P las D.O.P No traigas. No traigas.
(abrir / (Uds.) / las ventanas) Abran las Use the information in parenthesis to translate the following sentences. Do not include the subject pronoun in your answer. 18. Open them. (abrir / (Uds.) / las ventanas) Abran las Ábranlas
(poner / (Ud.) / los libros) Póngalos allí. Use the information in parenthesis to translate the following sentences. Do not include the subject pronoun in your answer. 19. Put them there. (poner / (Ud.) / los libros) Póngalos allí.
(poner / tú / los libros) No los pongas aquí. Use the information in parenthesis to translate the following sentences. Do not include the subject pronoun in your answer. 20. Don't put them here. (poner / tú / los libros) No los pongas aquí.
RECUEDA! USE “TE” because they are informal Tú Commands No levantarse __________________ No irte __________________ ¡No te levantes! Don’t get yourself up! ¡No te vayas! Don’t leave! Sal! No me digas!