--ONLY –ir stem-changers get a (partial) “spelling change” in pretérito: –ouei–ouei --ONLY in the forms: – Él, Ella, Ud. – Ellos, Ellas, Uds. We called them “boot verbs” in the present tense, now think of them as “sandal verbs” Sentí Sentimos Sentiste -- Sintió Sintieron Dormí Dormimos Dormiste -- Durmió Durmieron SENTIR DORMIR Think back to the – ing tense: the pattern is the same
Las Definiciones -ir stem-changing verbs Despedirse=to say goodbye Divertirse=to have fun/amuse oneself Dormir=to sleep Mentir=to lie Morir=to die Pedir=to ask for/order Preferir=to prefer Repetir=to repeat Seguir=to follow Sentirse=to feel (+emotion) Servir=to serve Sugerir=to suggest Vestirse=to dress oneself If you have trouble finding which letter gets the stem-change, find the –ir and go to the next syllable back: consentir
Traduce a español 1.We slept 2.She suggested (sugerir) 3.You (inf) asked for (pedir) 4.They died 5.I lied 6.She preferred 7.He had fun 8.You all got dressed 9.They said goodbye (despedirse) 10.I followed (___las instrucciones) Dormimos Sugirió Pediste Murieron Mentí Prefirió Se divirtió Se vistieron Se despidieron Seguí