OACTE Meeting May 12, 2010
AACTE Update Policy Briefings ESEA State Leaders Institute Day on the Hill Partnerships
Policy Briefing Series March 11: The Clinical Component April 15:An Emerging Picture of the Teacher Preparation Pipeline May 10: Effective Teaching Requires Effective State Policies
ESEA Blueprint and Educator Preparation Eliminates all targeted federal support for teacher preparation in higher education Consolidates federal support for educator preparation into a new authority – Teacher and Leader Pathways Program ($405 million) Eliminates the Title II set-aside for higher education partnerships
Only funding in Higher Education Act for teacher preparation eliminated; 100% match eliminated Undermines teacher preparation reform – focus on clinical 85% of new teachers prepared in higher education Funding goes mostly to locals who may or may not partner with higher education Demanding accountability provisions remain in Higher Education Act with no funding New program 1 st funded in September 2008 hasn’t had a chance to prove its effectiveness; stimulus grants not awarded yet 5 AACTE’s Response to the President’s Budget & The ESEA Blueprint
AACTE’s Response Cont. Change “highly qualified” to “highly effective” Invest in national performance assessment to measure effectiveness 2.5% set aside for higher ed in ESEA Title II also eliminated ($70 M); we recommend increase to 5 % 6
AACTE’s Response Cont. Press releases on Budget and Blueprint Meetings with Congressional staff, White House staff, Department staff Higher Education Task Force on Teacher Preparation AASCU AJCU AAU APLU ACE NAICU Dear Colleague Letter in House- Representative Price (D-NC) + 13 Others Request $150 million for TQP Recommendation on ESEA Reauthorization to Congress 7
State Leaders Institute & Day on the Hill June 15 – 17, 2010
Partnerships Partnership for Teacher Quality Data Quality Campaign Higher Education Secretariet