Greeting Task What have you done about your weakest area? Tell the person next to you and get them to test you.
Right to Life Revision To revise keywords and quotes from the Right to Life unit and practice exam techniques.
Who Am I? Volunteers need to come up to the board and face away from it. You have to guess what the quote/keyword is behind you by asking the class questions. The class can only respond with Yes or No. You can ask no more than 10 questions.
Pro Choice
Voluntary Euthanasia
‘Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart.’
Sanctity of Life
Pro Life
‘Your body is a temple of God.’
Self Determination
‘Be fruitful and multiply’
Quality of Life
Learning Grid You are going to work in pairs and be given a Learning Grid. You need to roll the dice over the grid and see which square it lands on. Depending on which square it has fallen on, you need to define the quote/keyword/write an exam answer/give arguments for or against.
Spot the Difference You are going to be given two answers to an exam question. Your job is to spot the differences between them. Think about... Which one is better and why? How they could be improved What mark would you give each one out of 6?
True or False 1.Pro Choice means that abortion is always wrong. 2.Roman Catholics believe that life begins at ensoulment. 3.Voluntary euthanasia is where people have asked to have their life taken. 4.Euthanasia is legal in the UK. 5.Self determination is where people have the right to make decisions for themselves. 6.Hospices are an alternative to euthanasia. 7.Sanctity of Life is a measure of someone’s enjoyment and happiness. 8.‘Be fruitful and multiply’ is an argument that can be used to support abortion. 9.The Church of England never agree with abortion. 10.Passive euthanasia is when you are given something to end your life.