1 Accenture Celebrating Performance Results (1 of 4) Receiver Engagement Index (GES FY08) Celebrating Performance award receivers have a 17 point higher Engagement Index (14 points higher than target) compared to non receivers. Recognition Sub-Category (GES FY08) Celebrating Performance award receivers have a 6 point higher favorable response (3 points higher than target) to the recognition sub-category questions. Receiver Unmanaged Attrition as of October 31 Celebrating Performance award receivers have a 8.9 point lower unmanaged attrition rate as compared to the overall Accenture unmanaged attrition rate. All career levels reflected a lower attrition rate for Celebrating Performance receivers. The largest impact was shown at the Analyst level. Notes: -Engagement metrics reported annually. Attrition metrics reported quarterly. -Analysis includes all Celebrating Performance award types (points, anniversary, and e-cards), and senior executives who received anniversary and performance-based e-cards. -The recognition sub category in the Global Employee Survey includes and average of favorable responses (strongly agree and agree) for Question 21(“I am rewarded for developing people who work with me.”) and Question 22 (“I receive appropriate recognition for my contributions.”). -We acknowledge that other factors may contribute to an increase in engagement or a decrease in the attrition rate for employees who receive Celebrating Performance awards.
2 Accenture Celebrating Performance Results (2 of 4) Budget Holder Points Awarded (YTD as of October 31, 2008) 39% of Celebrating Performance points have been awarded by budget holders calendar year to date. This means 61% of points have not yet been awarded. All budget holder points expire on December 31, Further breakdown of this metric by geographic unit and deployed-to-entity follow on the next two slides. Performance Factors Recognized (YTD as of October 31, 2008)
3 Accenture Celebrating Performance Results (3 of 4) Key Findings: SEAAK has the highest year to date percent of budget points awarded. Four geographies currently have awarded between 40% and 65% of their total budget points. Nine geographies currently have awarded less than 40% of their total budget points. Budget Holder Points Awarded by Geography in Percent (January 1 – October 31, 2008)
4 Accenture Celebrating Performance Results (4 of 4) Key Findings: Outsourcing has the highest year to date percent of budget points awarded. Eight deployed-to entities have awarded less than 40% of their total budget points. Although the Budget Holder % Points Awarded is red, the amount of Points given increased 28% compared to last month. For more information on these results or to discuss recognition best practices on increasing budget usage, please contact Aura Wynne Budget Holder Points Awarded by Deployed-to-Entity (DTE) in Percent (January 1 – October 31, 2008)