Define your customer for this design: The target market is fashionable, artistic and contemporary women who enjoy music, the big city night life and are inspired by the cycle of trends brought back from the 1970’s. The purpose of the design is to intertwine handcrafted crochet and 1970’s culture into a high fashion item. Market Category - Contemporary Details of Design Item (Content Definition) Textile: Cotton Crochet Yarn Trimmings: Crochet Findings: - Retail Distribution Objective In store retailing Dark Side of the Moon PowerPoint Presentation of Alexzandra Granath, California State University Los Angeles.
Dark Side of the Moon PowerPoint Presentation of Alexzandra Granath, California State University Los Angeles.
COST SHEET Style: Black Crochet Crock Top Fabric Type: Cotton Yarn Vendor: Michael’s Cost: $2.99/cone Description: 300 yrds/cone MATERIAL DESCRIPTION WIDTHPRICEYIELDTOTAL SELF-$ yrd$1.80 CONTRAST 1:-$ yrd$0.66 CONTRAST 2:---- CONTRAST 3:---- TOTAL MATERIAL COST $2.46 TRIM DESCRIPTION QTYPRICETOTAL Black Crochet Pearl Necklace1$1.80 TOTAL TRIM COST $1.80 ESTIMATED LABOR COSTCOST MARGIN Labor $ Material Cost$2.46 Cutting -Trim Cost$1.80 Marking/Grading $50.00 Labor Cost$577.5 Packing/Supplies $45.00 Freight $10.00 TOTAL LABOR COST:577.5TOTAL COST $ PowerPoint Presentation of Alexzandra Granath, California State University Los Angeles. Estimated Wholesale Price: $
Define your customer for this design: The target market is fashionable, artistic and contemporary women who enjoy music, the big city night life and are inspired by the cycle of trends brought back from the 1970’s. The purpose of the design is to intertwine handcrafted crochet and 1970’s culture into a high fashion item. Market Category - Contemporary Details of Design Item (Content Definition) Textile: Cotton Knit Jersey Trimmings: Crochet Findings: - Retail Distribution Objective In store retailing Dark Side of the Moon PowerPoint Presentation of Alexzandra Granath, California State University Los Angeles.
Dark Side of the Moon PowerPoint Presentation of Alexzandra Granath, California State University Los Angeles.
COST SHEET Style: Black Knit Dress Fabric Type: Cotton Knit Jersey Vendor: Michael Levine Cost: $14.00/yrd Description: 62” in width MATERIAL DESCRIPTION WIDTHPRICEYIELDTOTAL SELF62”$ yrds$21.00 CONTRAST 1:---- CONTRAST 2:---- CONTRAST 3:---- TOTAL MATERIAL COST $21.00 TRIM DESCRIPTION QTYPRICETOTAL Black Crochet Trim Front6$0.06$0.36 Ivory Crochet Trim Front12$0.03$0.36 Black Crochet Chain back1$0.18 TOTAL TRIM COST $0.90 ESTIMATED LABOR COSTCOST MARGIN Labor $ Material Cost$21.00 Cutting $45.00 Trim Cost$0.90 Marking/Grading $50.00 Labor Cost$ Packing/Supplies $45.00 Freight $10.00 TOTAL LABOR COST:292.5TOTAL COST $ PowerPoint Presentation of Alexzandra Granath, California State University Los Angeles. Estimated Wholesale Price: $649.00
Define your customer for this design: The target market is fashionable, artistic and contemporary women who enjoy music, the big city night life and are inspired by the cycle of trends brought back from the 1970’s. The purpose of the design is to intertwine handcrafted crochet and 1970’s culture into a high fashion item. Market Category - Contemporary Details of Design Item (Content Definition) Textile: Cotton Crochet Yarn Trimmings: Crochet Findings: - Retail Distribution Objective In store retailing Dark Side of the Moon PowerPoint Presentation of Alexzandra Granath, California State University Los Angeles.
Dark Side of the Moon PowerPoint Presentation of Alexzandra Granath, California State University Los Angeles.
COST SHEET Style: Black Crochet Skirt Fabric Type: Cotton Yarn Vendor: Michael’s Cost: $2.99/cone Description: 300 yrds/cone MATERIAL DESCRIPTION WIDTHPRICEYIELDTOTAL SELF-$ yrd$8.64 CONTRAST 1:---- CONTRAST 2:---- CONTRAST 3:---- TOTAL MATERIAL COST $8.64 TRIM DESCRIPTION QTYPRICETOTAL Black Crochet Button1$0.02 Black Crochet Loop1$0.01 TOTAL TRIM COST $0.03 ESTIMATED LABOR COSTCOST MARGIN Labor $ Material Cost$8.64 Cutting -Trim Cost$0.03 Marking/Grading $50.00Labor Cost$ Packing/Supplies $45.00 Freight $10.00 TOTAL LABOR COST:1384TOTAL COST $ PowerPoint Presentation of Alexzandra Granath, California State University Los Angeles. Estimated Wholesale Price: $