4th quarter Vocabulary Maps
reasonable; capable of being carried out Definition Synonyms (adjective) reasonable; capable of being carried out possible doable viable 1. feasible Other Forms Antonyms noun – feasibility, feasibleness adverb – feasibly unworkable impractical impossible
feasible Though he is still young, Jeff has a feasible plan to participate in the Olympic games eventually.
a complete, ridiculous failure Definition Synonyms (noun) a complete, ridiculous failure disaster debacle flop 2. fiasco Other Forms Antonyms NA success boon miracle
fiasco To stop a repeat of last year’s fiasco, no animals are permitted in site.
the work one is especially suited for; one’s specialty Definition Synonyms (noun) the work one is especially suited for; one’s specialty forte strength calling 3. métier Other Forms Antonyms NA weakness
métier Justin is a decent singer, but dancing is his real métier.
to rise and fall; to vary irregularly Definition Synonyms (verb) to rise and fall; to vary irregularly waver seesaw rise and fall 4. fluctuate Other Forms Antonyms adjective – fluctuant noun – fluctuation stabilize persist stay
fluctuate The stock market fluctuates so much that it seems silly to get upset when your stock goes down as it will probably go back up tomorrow.
Definition Synonyms (verb) to annoy or harass bother pester badger 5. harry Other Forms Antonyms harries, harried, harrying soothe aid support
harry The baby’s constant crying began to harry the other passengers on the train.
Definition Synonyms 6. incognito Other Forms Antonyms (adjective, adverb, noun) disguised; pretending not to be oneself anonymous camouflaged masquerading 6. incognito Other Forms Antonyms Note: the word can be used as different parts of speech, but the form does not change! known unhidden overt
incognito To avoid clamoring fans, the actor donned a disguise and traveled incognito.
lack of energy; sluggishness Definition Synonyms (noun) lack of energy; sluggishness torpor lassitude idleness 7. lethargy Other Forms Antonyms adjective – lethargic adverb – lethargically vigor vitality liveliness
lethargy The heat and humidity made me sink into the couch, too overwhelmed with lethargy to move.
one who fawns on others in order to gain favor Definition Synonyms (adjective) one who fawns on others in order to gain favor brownnoser flatterer lackey 8. sycophant Other Forms Antonyms adjective – sycophantic adverb – sycophantically leader supervisor
sycophant The rich and famous often find sycophantic people at their side.
to urge on with stirring words Definition Synonyms (verb) to urge on with stirring words encourage entreat implore 9. exhort Other Forms Antonyms noun – exhorter, exhortation adjective – exhortative adjective – exhortatory discourage advise against deprecate
exhort During halftime, the coach exhorted the team to “win one for the Gipper”.
indecent; humorously obscene Definition Synonyms (adjective) indecent; humorously obscene risqué lewd suggestive 10. bawdy Other Forms Antonyms bawdier, bawdiest adverb – bawdily noun – bawdiness innocent clean chaste
bawdy The jokes in Elizabethan plays were often bawdy, and the audiences were rowdy!
excessively thrifty; stingy Definition Synonyms (adjective) excessively thrifty; stingy cheap penny-pinching niggardly 11. parsimonious Other Forms Antonyms adverb – parsimoniously noun – parsimoniousness extravagant generous open-handed
parsimonious Struggling to overcome her parsimonious inclinations, she finally reached into her pocket – and gave me a dime!
Definition Synonyms (noun) nerve; audacity brazenness effrontery gall 12. chutzpah Other Forms Antonyms NA timidity humility modesty
chutzpah I cannot believe Michael had the chutzpah to claim that no one could sing that song as well as he could.
to dance and skip around playfully Definition Synonyms (verb) to dance and skip around playfully frolic skip rollick 13. gambol Other Forms Antonyms gambols, gamboled, gamboling NA
gambol We watched the ponies gambol through the fields.
to manage economically; to use sparingly Definition Synonyms (verb) to manage economically; to use sparingly save restrain put away 14. husband Other Forms Antonyms husbands, husbanded, husbanding noun – husbander lose let go spend
husband During these difficult economic times, people and business owners need to husband their money and resources.
abundance of money, property, and other material goods; riches Definition Synonyms (noun) abundance of money, property, and other material goods; riches wealth prosperity abundance 15. affluence Other Forms Antonyms adjective – affluent adverb – affluently poor destitute deficient
affluence Despite the recession, the affluence of this country is still obvious when compared to third-world countries.
Definition Synonyms (verb) to treat as a celebrity adulate idolize exalt 16. lionize Other Forms Antonyms lionizes, lionized, lionizing noun – lionizer noun - lionization dishonor denounce shame
lionize After winning the state competition, Stacey was lionized by her classmates.
Definition Synonyms (adjective) harmless impotent unobjectionable insipid 17. innocuous Other Forms Antonyms adverb – innocuously noun – innocuousness harmful dangerous toxic
innocuous The tough leadership we need in this new century will not come from uncertain and innocuous personalities.
Definition Synonyms (adjective) using few words concise curt succinct 18. laconic Other Forms Antonyms adverb – laconically long-winded verbose wordy
laconic Because the paper was five pages too long, the teacher encouraged the student to edit passages, making them more laconic.
Definition Synonyms (adjective) easily made angry irritable ill-tempered testy 19. irascible Other Forms Antonyms adverb – irascibly noun – irascibility, irascibleness easygoing good-natured pleasant
irascible We walk on eggshells around Samantha because she is so irascible.
to support with evidence Definition Synonyms (verb) to support with evidence reaffirm support substantiate 20. corroborate Other Forms Antonyms corroborates, corroborated, corroborating noun – corroborator, corroboration adjective – corroborative, corroboratory adverb – corroboratively refute contradict undermine discredit
corroborate All the available evidence corroborates my theory that the theft was planned by someone familiar with the layout of my house.
to pamper; to treat with great care Definition Synonyms (verb) to pamper; to treat with great care baby cater to coddle 21. cosset Other Forms Antonyms cossets, cosseted, cosseting ignore forsake renounce
cosset Cosseting high school seniors does more harm than good, as they will be entering the competitive market in a few months.
witty, skillful storyteller Definition Synonyms (noun) witty, skillful storyteller storyteller bard minstrel 22. raconteur Other Forms Antonyms NA NA
raconteur He is such a good raconteur that his two books are easy to read and enjoy.
cranky person, usually old Definition Synonyms (noun) cranky person, usually old grouch grump bellyacher 23. curmudgeon Other Forms Antonyms adjective – curmudgeonly noun – curmudgeonliness friendly, positive person
curmudgeon The two curmudgeons in Grumpy Old Men are quite funny.
subtly or unexpectedly harmful Definition Synonyms (adjective) subtly or unexpectedly harmful detrimental destructive pernicious 24. deleterious Other Forms Antonyms adverb – deleteriously noun – deleteriousness helpful harmless innocuous
deleterious Wishing can give zest and purpose to anyone’s life, but wishful thinking can have deleterious effects.
Definition Synonyms 25. pugilism Other Forms Antonyms (noun) boxing sparring prizefighting slugfest 25. pugilism Other Forms Antonyms noun – pugilist adjective – pugilistic adverb – pugilistically NA
pugilism Mohamed Ali was an excellent pugilist.
Definition Synonyms (adjective) overly idealistic impractical dreamy utopian 26. quixotic Other Forms Antonyms noun – quixotism adverb – quixotically realistic practical credible
quixotic Many readers are attracted to quixotic love stories, like Twilight, rather than realistic romances.
Definition Synonyms (adjective) lavish, wasteful wastrel libertine spendthrift 27. prodigal Other Forms Antonyms noun – prodigality adverb – prodigally prudent thrifty economical
prodigal My prodigal mother is an incorrigible shopaholic!
Definition Synonyms 28. umbrage Other Forms Antonyms (noun) offense, resentment irritation pique annoyance 28. umbrage Other Forms Antonyms NA pleasure delight satisfaction
umbrage Who would have thought he would take umbrage at an e-mail from a friend who only meant to help?
extremely, sometimes excessively, careful about small details; precise Definition Synonyms (adjective) extremely, sometimes excessively, careful about small details; precise fastidious thorough painstaking 29. meticulous Other Forms Antonyms noun – meticulousness, meticulosity adverb – meticulously sloppy careless undetailed
meticulous I hate dusting because it is a meticulous chore, especially when someone has a plethora of knickknacks!
biting; stingingly sharp or sarcastic Definition Synonyms (adjective) biting; stingingly sharp or sarcastic acidic harsh abrasive 30. caustic Other Forms Antonyms adverb – caustically noun – causticity mild pleasant soothing
caustic Because of his caustic comments, his wife finally left him.